Saturday, February 26, 2022

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Two Small Blocks

On reviewing the week, I find myself hard-pressed to define what made it so exhausting.  One child and the husband had sick days, but just for upset stomachs, not actual getting sick.  I’m so relieved.  There was extra driving, grocery shopping for the month, extra cold days so extra animal chores.  Oh, yes.  Ukraine.  I don’t even know what to say or do about the war except acknowledge it is happening, pray, and wish there was something more I could do.

I spent the vast majority of my sewing time quilting my Rhododendron Mystery.  I did straight-line quilting in the borders to hide my waves.  I stretched the bias of the blocks despite my care (I should have been more careful).  The quilting is done, and maybe I will be able to finish the binding by the 28th to get this quilt off my list by the end of the month!

When I needed to wind bobbins, change feet, or otherwise needed a break from the quilting, I finished two small farm blocks.  I’m glad I found a big more teal to use to keep up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  I only need 8 more blocks after this, and then it will be time for assembly!  “Feed and Seed” is particularly apt as we picked up 800 pounds of chick feed last Saturday and then use buckets to fill our feed bins.

I’m ready for warmer weather.  I’ve enjoyed the snow of the last month, but the bitter cold (bitter for me… 20 F and colder, down to below 0 wind chills.  I have a few seeds sprouting in my laundry room, my dad has been spading beds in preparation for planting, and we’re generally longing for outside time!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


The Joyful Quilter said...

Sick days, bitter cold weather, and a war? Sounds like a terrible week, Katie! Glad you managed to find some sweet sewing time in the midst of the upheaval.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I think (hope!) the forecast is better for the coming week, as I too, am ready for more outside time! Your pretty blocks for the farm quilt are always fun to see, Katie!

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