Sunday, June 12, 2022

Stash Report Week #23 and 15 Minutes

 The hand stitching is moving right along, even if I struggle to find the best time of day to do it.  When we have appointments, it’s easy, but at home I struggle to find the best niche.  I didn’t miss a day this week, so I have stitched 160 of 162 days for the year.

On the stash front, while I finished two projects, I also purchased some PFD extra wide fabric for future backings.  They were out of bolts, so the “damage” isn’t as bad as it could be, but since I used an entire bolt of 60” wide for backings over the last year, I know I will be happy to have these 8 yards when I need them!  I finished Oddments, which still needs a post, and a small bag to carry my books for my holy hour each week.  I have reached my goal of 100 yards used for the year but still need to balance out my purchases if I want to reach my goal of using twice what I buy for the year.

Two more spools ran out this week, for a total of 19.  I haven’t decided if it’s that I’m doing so much more piecing this year or if I’m doing better about using up partial spools, but this number is higher than it’s been in years past.  Either way, I’m definitely whittling down the excess.

IN this week: 8 yards
OUT this week: 15 1/2 yards

IN YTD: 58 yards
OUT YTD: 106 1/2 yards
YTD Total: 48 1/2 yards OUT

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

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