Tuesday, July 26, 2022

August Goals

How am I already planning for August?  I’m having difficult wrapping my brain around back to school shopping.  Maybe I’ll just keep my head down in the sewing room for a little longer before I need to worry about school!

July was quietly productive.

1.  Scraps: trim, five hexagon rounds, finish the Valentine quilt, and ??? Is it bad to admit I made the flimsy for the Valentine quilt in one afternoon?  All done.

2.  The dress.  Happily finished.

3.  Quilt two quilts for a friend.  At her request, only quilted one.

4. Process the enormous bag of scraps I bought.  I processed the purple.  Since I received the scraps after a horribly long migraine, I decided messing with too many (possibly smelly) scraps from someone else was dangerous.  Each month I’ll tackle a color until they’re gone.

August Goals are a bit hazy still.  I’ve mostly run out of Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects and other than assembling my split stars, I’m not “busy” with any project.

1. Scraps: trim, 5 rounds or 1 star, and ???

2.  Tie dye.  We had hoped my sister would visit earlier in the summer and we’d dye things together, but Covid hit them hard.  We should do our shirts, towels, and a few odds and ends before school starts.

3. Spunky’s skirt in a splendid yellow-gold.

4.  Process one color of scraps.

5.  Finish the split star quilt.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

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