Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 350 Blocks Challenge

 I had quite a drop in block numbers for 2023 compared to past years.  Hand stitching just doesn’t “produce” in quite the same way, and that’s really okay.  The total for 2023 is 1122.

It will be interesting to see what happens in 2024.  I have no grandiose plans for tiny triangle blocks like in 2022, but I do have a box of 1” scraps I really should make a plan for, as it is now too full to close!

The numbers for past years:
In 2022: 2185
In 2021: 762
In 2020: 1431
In 2019: 1760
In 2018: 1677
In 2017: 1125
In 2016: 1007
In 2015: 1400
In 2014: 794
In 2013: 1057
In 2012, north of 180

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Over a thousand isn't a bad year. It will take a lot to surpass last year's number.

End of Year…

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