Thursday, May 19, 2011

You are allowed to like yourself

My lovely sister had this beautiful post today.

Here's where she started:
 Somewhere along the way, earlier than you think, something, someone whispered that you weren't good enough.
And from then on, you always felt a little guilty when you were proud of yourself, or when you wanted to share your accomplishments.
I'm going to share something with you, though, and you can tell anyone you'd like.
You can like yourself, really.  You can be proud of the things you do well without taking anything away from other people who also do things well.  And in turn, they can be proud of the things they do well, without in any way damaging you.
It's so simple, really, but it took me a long time to learn that hiding what we love about ourselves does no one any favors.  

Here's my thoughts on the matter.

On one hand, I love being recognized for my skills, but I have a very hard time promoting myself because there is always someone better than me.  I will attempt not to be too self-deprecating as I write these.  Just imagine all the "buts" I can come up with after each statement.  (Maybe it's better if you didn't.)

I'm a good quilter, but I hate to say that to others.  It sounds so vain.
I'm quick at crocheting (and I can even do it without looking, depending on the pattern).
I love being a stay-at-home mom, and I love taking care of my kids.
I love to sing, play piano, and play guitar.  I'm not too bad at any of those.
I love my hair.  It's red-brown.  It's thick.  It's long.  I've been asked if I dye it to get all the cool highlights.  Nope, natural.
Unlike my sister, I do NOT look good in red.  It's the red hair.  I do look smashing in jewel tones, particularly green.
I make beautiful babies.
I am a knowledgeable gardener (and am willing to learn more!).
I am eminently practical.  As we say in my family, I AM second sober thought.  I rarely have first foolish thoughts. (Long story, if you don't know our family.)
I am probably on the Spectrum, and proud of it!
I'm left handed.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Team Thompson said...

Katie - I love this post!!! It is beautiful! I think I need to list a couple more things for you thought!!!

You are a wonderful wife and mother and love with all your heart!

You are very patient!

YOu are an amazing cook!

You are incredibly intelligent but don't make others feel like they can't keep up

You are great friend, give great advice and I'm glad you are part of our family!

I could go on and on!!!
These are just a few!!!

I could go on but

sewkalico said...

I think you're great and I only know you through blogging so you must be!

Alzbeta said...

You're beautiful and I love you!

and I love that we're left-handed spectrumed sisters.


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