Thursday, February 28, 2013

Get It Done March

February's list:
1.  Month 2 of Judy's Mystery Medallion quilt is DONE!

2. Sew 5 red blocks for my sampler quilt.  DONE and then some!

3. Finish 1 twirly skirt.  DONE.  This will be in the mail today.

4.  My purple scraps for the rainbow scrap challenge were made into bowties for my in-between quilt, a placemat for my brother's girlfriend, and a doll quilt for a niece.  I had a few leftovers, but scarcely a handful, so I am declaring this task DONE!

5.  Mending is DONE!  I had trouble with this task in a humorous way.  I finished the original mending early in the month.  Then the Assistant and DH cleaned up their clothes and brought me a new and even larger pile of mending.  Oy!  I finished most of the new pile too.

March's list:
1. Month three of Judy's mystery medallion quilt.

2.  Finish the red rows of my sampler quilt.

3.  Make Easter clothes for the kiddos.  (I'd better hustle!)

4.  Finish my Madrona Road challenge quilt before the April meeting.  Yes, we're behind, but we didn't receive the fabric for the challenge until it was almost over.

Check out other lists at Patchwork Times!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sampler Quilt Progress

I decided to focus on the two red rows, since I had the most red blocks finished.  Now, with 24 of the 34 I need for the two rows, I am making good progress.  I had hoped to finish all 34, but illness kicked my tail.  Maybe in March, after I whip out some Easter clothes, I can finish the red blocks and assemble the rows, just to feel like I accomplished something!

I am enjoying the process more now that I have a count for how many blocks of each size I need.  Also, the prospect of finishing a row or two spurs me on.  I can do it!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Medallion Mystery Step #2


I am having trouble with my needle.  I've tried several different needles and sizes, but still the bobbin thread pulls to the top and feels very uneven.  It has something to do with the fabric, but I haven't figured out how to fix it yet.  I don't remember having this trouble previously.  Hmm...

I'm really enjoying Judy's clarity of directions and Vicki's fabulous fabrics.  Where this is going, I certainly don't know, but I'm enjoying the ride!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Purple party!

Originally, I intended this doll quilt to be my penultimate purple post but... It's been a rough two weeks at Zana's Ninis.  Multiple illnesses have ravaged the family, culminating in an ear infection for JoJo and influenza and bronchitis for me.  And you know how it goes... When Mama can't cook and clean, ain't nobody goin' to cook and clean.  God bless my husband, but he IS working more than full time and was ill as well.

So, catch up time...  There are 20 new purple spools.  Since I don't know what I'm doing with these spools, I'm not worried about how many of each color I have.  Once I make a plan, if I need more of a color, I'll just cut a few 1 1/2" strips from my stash!

This lovely doll quilt is for my niece Anni, whose fabulous mommy is overdue (Lil Bit's due date was the 18th).  If I see my mom before she leaves to help my sister, this quilt will tag along.  I hand quilted it very simply, as I didn't want to make it stiff.  I did have to cut a 2.5" strip from my stash when one of my scraps was .5" shorter than I thought and planned.  No worries, as I still used up almost all my purple!

I also finished one twirly skirt!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


... I do believe we have finally passed the worst of our illnesses and injuries this go round (colds, influenza, belly button infection, and newborn ear infection), and may actually be on the upswing!  I actually didn't spike a 102 fever for the first time in days!

... Isn't it funny how, at the early stages of a long-term project, you can think of many ways to change it up, if you ever decided to do it again?  I'm thinking of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (button down below).  This year, I'm using my scraps, but as this is several years' accumulation, I don't anticipate having many scraps to join in the challenge next year.  I've already come up with a way around this dilemma... Next year, I may pick a piece from my stash in the given color that I have had trouble using, and just use it something!  As the girls are getting older, they are invited to more parties, and doll quilts always make cute gifts.

... The Assistant started her first chapter book today.  Nobody suggested or asked her to do this.  I'm so impressed!  I love to read and have always hoped we would be able to share our love of reading with our kids!

... It's spring.  Seeds have been ordered.  Next to fabric, seed packages are the next best package to arrive on my doorstep.  (Maybe chocolate would rank higher, but I don't get chocolate in the mail!)

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


...think I'm at least twice my real age.  No, I can't sign up for AARP and, no, I don't need a motorized chair to get about. (edit: apparently you can join AARP at 50, not 60, like I thought, so... At least 20 years older than I really am!)

Thanks anyway!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

P.S.  Baby JoJo and I, along with the rest of the family, are quite ill.  If my fever would hurry up and break, I could do more to help the others get well.  Send everyone sleepy and healing thoughts, please!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Purple Placemat


is going to end up looking like THESE!  Back in 2011, as part of the UFO challenge at Patchwork Times, I completed a placemat for each of my family members for use at my mom's house, where we regularly gather for Sunday dinner.

My brother's lovely girlfriend doesn't have a placemat.  They've been dating for a while, but are both in school, and she has come to several major family dinners, so it felt a little... disrespectful not to have a placemat for her.  Rumor has it that she likes purple (I even made her a purple table runner!).

Since we have two new babies in the family this year as well (JoJo has arrived, Li'l Bit is due in a few weeks), this scrap challenge was as good an excuse as any to whip up a few more.  While I prepared this one, I cut the solid backing, binding, and batting for all three, so when I decide what colors I'll be using, I'm ready!  My talented but busy older sister will embroider names on the solid side (click on the top link to see what I mean) so the girlfriend can have her own placemat when she comes to Sunday/holiday dinner!

I like this better than piecing all the purple scraps without regard to value.  I've saved the light scraps for Nuggette's doll quilt (since she'll be a big sister too!), and think this is prettier, even if dark, without the added chaos of light pieces thrown in!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Purple Blocks

Slow and steady wins the race, right?  As I sew along, I realize just how few purple scraps I have.  I love the color, especially the dark, rich purples in the bottom block, but it is HARD to find good purples!

Three blocks down... I have no idea what I'll do with these 9" blocks, but there will be a bundle of them by the end of the year!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Yesterday, JoJo joined the family of God.

the whole family
Too bad the photography didn't work out as well as we would wish (where was Alzbe?).

Aren't they cute?
Isn't he handsome?

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


My beautiful photographer-sister asked for some headbands for her baby girl, who will arrive any day.  Of course, since it was at her instigation that I opened my shop, I had to comply.

Here they are.  Once they are tested, I'll add pictures that include lots of baby cuteness!

They're super easy to make...

Ch 11.
ROW 1: SC in 2nd chain from hook and in following 9 (10 sc)
ROW 2: Ch 1.  Turn.  SC across.
ROW 3-5: Repeat row 2 three more times.  Fasten off.  Weave in ends.

Crochet a long chain, at least the circumference of the baby's head plus a few inches for tying.
Place square in center of chain.  With 10" or so of yarn, wrap around the square and chain, pulling tightly, to create a bow.  Fasten off securely.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Purple Edition

Once Angela changed her background to purple, I pulled out my scrap bags (I store by size, not color), and pulled out my purples.  After looking over what I had at my disposal, I started cutting...

First up, 11 spools for my ongoing spool project, my leaders and enders work.

Next, I cut up my 2" strips for another 36 square block, and discovered I had enough for two... A light and a dark.

Before I could go any farther, I knew I had to tackle the scrap bag.  I have trouble not keeping up with trimming down scraps after cutting for a project, so part of my goal with the RSC was to whittle down the bag a little more each month.  This month, I had a handful of trimmings that were already cut to size and just needed to be sorted.  Those were easily sorted.  Next, I had to pull out the iron and press the randomly sized scraps remaining from garment sewing and strip sets, both of which are so tedious to cut down.  All done!  My bag is empty except for a package of triangles remaining from some challenge quilts on the HGTV board, but I have a future project in mind for them, so they will stay as they are for now.

last odd bit!
ready to put away
I will sew up all the bits I have cut for now, and then I have another doll quilt for another niece whose little sister may arrive any day!  I'm so excited, as Li'l Bit is my goddaughter.  It may not be complete before the baby arrives, but since we will be traveling up for the baptism in March, I have time.

What are you doing with your purple scraps?

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Fiber Finish

I made this cute jacket from this pattern on etsy.  I opted to leave off the hood as I really wanted to finish it (and hoods are hard with babies).  The only thing I dislike about the pattern is the method of joining.  I tried it to follow the pattern, but if I make another, I will try my own methods

I followed the 3-6 month directions, but JoJo, who is already 10 lb. 11 oz., is swimming in it.  I certainly hope he'll grow into it before the weather warms up.  Earlier this week, on Sunday and Monday, we had windows open and I couldn't sleep at night because the house didn't cool down.  Craziness!

I'm glad I finished it, and will look through the other patterns I bought from this shop and try another!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Linking up to AmandaJean's Finish It Up Friday.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...