Friday, September 14, 2018

UFO Updates

My Aegean Sea quilt is coming along nicely, despite a sewing machine total breakdown today.  My green and blue ombre has a better flow in pictures than it first felt in reality.  I'm looking forward to adding the pieced border next.  It's much larger than I need it to be, but since the pattern calls for more borders, I'll keep sewing.  This should be another guest bed quilt to be used at Christmas.  I love it!  (But what do I do about the quilting?!?)
 The "official" UFO for this month was a collection of a layer cake and a jelly roll of green and brown fabrics from Connecting Thread, via A Left-Handed Quilter.  I'm pleased with this quilt: easy to piece, everything places nicely together, and it fits on a single width of fabric, so no piecing of the back!  I have batting still to cut, but since I certainly didn't expect to progress this far during the week, it's all good!
Next week, I hope to have a flimsy and a basted quilt (or, dare I hope, quilted?) in addition to oodles of blue scrap sewing.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Julierose said...

That Aegean sea is lovely--I really think it is so evocative of the ocean...nice work;)))
hugs, Julierose

A Left-Handed Quilter said...

The Aegean sea looks great! And the green and brown one turned out quite nicely - I knew you'd put them to good use - ;))

Kate said...

Love you Aegean Sea quilt! Congrats on all the successful stitching time this week.

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