Wednesday, March 4, 2020

February Block Count

Ladies, it has been challenging to sit down and commit to writing my blog posts to wrap up February and roll into March.  This should be the last one; my block count.

I’ve been tracking my blocks since Shelly began the 350 block challenge.  Some years and some months are a little more productive than others.  So far, 2020 is on the slower end as I’m working hard to wrap up projects from last year.  Still, I had a few things.

9 courtyard steps
14 Garden Party posies
1 Garden Mosaic
24 Temperature blocks (which I’m only counting when the entire row is done)
... for a total of 48 blocks for the month of February and 181 blocks for 2020.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Shelly said...

I'm working hard to finish things, too, which has slowed down the block making, but is making a huge difference in my mess and stress levels!

Kate said...

Finish seems to be a common theme for 2020. Sometimes one metric has to suffer while another one takes precedence. At least your count is going up and not staying stagnant.

End of Year…

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