Saturday, May 2, 2020

Making Progress

I continue to be grateful that we have plenty of outdoor space for the kids (and myself) as we roll into week 8 of staying at home.  My 7 year old with ASD had his first sleepover at my mom’s and found all the cars on the road to be very confusing.  He thought nobody was going anywhere.  Then he assumed that meant all the stores were open, and he was very sad when my mom told him the train store wasn’t open, so she couldn’t take him there.  Poor dude.  It confuses me too.  (We see my parents since they come out to garden with me, so we are careful to avoid other contact.)

I continue to find the uncertainties of the future to challenge my motivation to get things done.  I really like goals, plans, and checklists.  Hard to do when we have no idea what next week looks like, when the state begins to reopen.  We have three weeks of online school left, and I think we’ll have a party when it’s over.

The foxes are multiplying, and I still like them.  More orange fabric will arrive today (fingers crossed), and I’m looking forward to it.  The solids get a little boring.

Spunky doesn’t know it yet, but the bee blocks are going to have to come down for a while.  We’ve run out of room for two quilts on the wall!

Finally, the temperature quilt grew two rows this month.  I like it!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. The scrappy color range for May is the darker greens.  I need to pull some out!


The Joyful Quilter said...

Sorry that JoJo got confused about the comings and goings of others. How did he enjoy his sleepover at your Mom's, otherwise? I have plenty of orange scraps to share, if you need more for BJ's quilt. Just let me know what size pieces you need, Katie.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It is weird to not know what things are going to look like even next week - I feel it, too! I'm glad you're still loving those foxes. And your temperature quilt has a fun gradation in color starting to happen!

Jennifer said...

Your foxes look great! It seems like we are now moving into a time with just a little more information and hope for change - hope that you will find some peace in that.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I think young children must have a hard time processing all of this - you don't want to stress kids out too much with the dire news of sickness but you need them aware. Good luck with your gardening season and so nice that your parents have been able to be part of your social distancing. We have no one with us and our daughter only drops by once in awhile to sit on the porch for a little bit - she is busy with her own life being at the far end of her 40s - the other daughter keeps in touch with texting.

Sarah Aldrich said...

Our grandkids have been living with us for 7 weeks now. They live in a badly hit area of NYC and the whole family came up the second week of March. Thank God for a two car garage and the outside space. Lots of conversations about bad germs! My daughter calls it immunology for preschoolers. We’ve has 100 cases in our town and will be staying at home for a while yet. Thank goodness for the occasional sunny day as April has been very grey. Hang in there!

Jo said...

Oh! Those foxes are fantastic!

Susie H said...

Love the foxes and the temperature quilt. Both look very cheerful! It is very strange not knowing what the next day will bring. We here in IL are looking forward to the end of this month and hope that some of our restrictions will be lifted.

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