Saturday, May 16, 2020

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Growing Things

Four more days of school remain (whew!).

Today has already been quite full... grocery pickup, a visit to the farmer’s market that was disappointing, mud from all the rain, and the ever present “best decisions based on the information we have right now.”  We will be having friends over for the first time in months, as we are both staying home but they won’t be able to for much longer.  It will be nice to visit, and for the kids to play.

Sewing is hit or miss lately with all the craziness, but I have made progress.  The bee blocks are finished, and I’m in the process of webbing them.  I have the 16 patches slowly working themselves into big chunks.  Finishing quilts is always nice.  It feels good to finish something that stays finished, so I eager to finish the bee quilt or the 16 patches soon.

There are a few dark green posies on the ironing board as my leaders and enders, so I am sewing with greens (just barely!).

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. Visit the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for inspiration!


grammajudyb said...

Pretty greens in the blocks on your ironing board! Hope your visit with friends goes well! I sure am missing my family and friends also! I’m thankful that my kids are willing to ZOOM every Saturday.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Every little bit of Dark Green sewing counts, Katie!! Those Garden Party blocks are SEW pretty. Rooting for a 16-Patch or Bee Block finish soon!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Very nice blocks. Sewing is an island of peace in the craziness right now. BTW, what a beautiful ironing board cover!

Angela said...

Glad you are finishing quilts. Nice bits of green too. Thankful for leader and enders.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Hooray for only a few more days of school and friends coming over to play! I'm looking forward to seeing the bee quilt!

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