Saturday, June 13, 2020


I need to be out the door in ten minutes for the oldest to take some placement tests, and this morning we already had to deal with a 7 foot rat snake, so I’m a little flustered.  We’re fine, only a snake was harmed (no chicks), and it’s good the test is finally being done, but it all makes for a busy Saturday.

I finished my Irish chain quilt last night.  Come back tomorrow for a picture or two.  It’s beautiful.  I’m looking forward to putting it on my bed tonight.

I cut for a new quilt for my niece.  She likes pink.  My original thought was to default to a 16-patch quilt, but I decided to look in my quilt books and pick a real pattern.  Why else did I spend money on these books?  It’s from Miss Rosie’s Farmhouse Favorites.

I quilted the entire behemoth that is my 16 patch quilt.  The binding is cut.  I’m looking forward to yet another quilt finish next week.

What else?  The masks are ready to finish today when I get home.  I only made one fox this week, and a few not pink Garden Party posies.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. I’ll be linking up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!


The Joyful Quilter said...

Best of luck to The Assistant on her placement tests, Katie! Thanks for popping out a post to let us know what's going on. Congrats on your finish AND that near finish, too!!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

my brother and sister in law had to deal with a long rat snake in their chicken house just last week! Hope the test go well for your oldest.

maggie fellow said...

pretty peek at the quilt - it was a great scrapbuster.

Mari said...

Oh, can't wait to see the quilt! Congrats on the finish, and good luck with those placement tests!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

It's such a good feeling to have a finish! I'll look forward to seeing your 16 patch quilt soon. A whole pink quilt sounds like a lot of fun, too! Have a great day, Katie!

scraphappy said...

Sorry the snake got in the way of your quilting time. New quilts are so much fun. Glad that you found a new pattern to try out.

Deb A said...

Sorry about the eventful morning. Snakes are never a good part of a day (I really dislike them). Hope she did well on her testing today. Congrats on the finish and look at you - a new quilt in process already.

Jenny said...

Ooh, a snake, how scary. Lucky for me there are no snakes here in our country, New Zealand.

grammajudyb said...

Looking forward to seeing your quilt on the bed! And a pink quilt started...always fun! I don’t get exposed to snakes often....a bull snake lost his life in my yard a few years ago, because he resembled a Diamondback Rattler! It was not fun!

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