Saturday, June 20, 2020

Long Days, and Full

I would love to have another hour or two in my day, as I never seem to have enough, but such is summer and the work that fills it.  Our garden is producing, the first chickens went to the butcher, and the next round of chickens arrived in the middle of (of course) heavy rain.  We filled half a day with tie dying (oh, my goodness, it’s a lot of fun), and I can’t seem to keep up with the cooking, cleaning, and dishes.  None of this is intended to be a complaint; I would rather be busy than be in trouble!

All that above just means the sewing hours were few and far between this week.

While we listened to books on CD (we finished the Hobbit, so now we’re listening to the Swiss Family Robinson), I finished cutting my pink fabrics for the next scrappy quilt.  The piles of triangles are high!

I’m afraid the Garden Posies for the month are still missing pink, but they are scraps.

My next scraps are lacking pink as well, but I’ve emptied the project box of 16 patches.  I finished the large quilt (hopefully I’ll take pictures tomorrow) and have this wee quilt to make next week.

Oh, yes, there have been masks!  The Assistant celebrates her graduation next week, and I offered to make a matching set of masks for her and her classmates (there are only 14 total), so I have masks to finish.

I made the Assistant a weighted blanket.  I’d blissfully forgotten what a pain they are!  I need to make one more, then I’m done for another year or two.

It’s taken half the day to get this written.  Now I’m going to try to sew!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S.  I’m linking up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.


The Joyful Quilter said...

PINK cutting during story time? What a good use of that time, Katie. Love, love, LOVE that sweet blue/green 16-Patch quilt top!! Congrats on the assistant's graduation!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Summer is a busy time at your house! Getting quilt pieces cut out while listening to the Hobbit sounds wonderful, and I love the 16 patch quilt, too!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Pretty Garden Posies blocks, and yous 16 patch quilt look wonderful! Hope you will have more time to sew next week ;)

Susie H said...

Glad you managed to get in a little stitching time. You are so right, busy is WAY better than trouble!

grammajudyb said...

Way to multi-task! I need to do that! I know lots of quilters listen to audio books while at the sewing machine, at the cutting table is a great idea,

Mari said...

Love the 16 patch! And congratulations on the graduation. That's a big step!

Cathy said...

Your 16-patch quilt is beautiful! Perfectly calming colors. And how nice of you to sew masks for the graduates! Summer is a great time to be busy. As I get older, though, I appreciate winter for the rest I get! But in the meantime, we have to “make hay while the sun shines”!

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