Saturday, June 6, 2020

Sewing Days

Woohoo!  First scrap accomplishment this week (in yellow, not pink, but still...) is a finished quilt!  Spunky’s bee fabric quilt is all done.  I need to wash it, but I’ll wait until it’s closer to time for her to give it away.  I like finishes and checking projects off my list.

Secondly, my 16 patches (over 9000 pieces) are sewn into a flimsy.  It took 625 pins, 3 hours, and I had a handful of hundreds of threads cleaned off it, but I basted it all.  I love this quilt; I don’t know what it is about checkerboard-like quilts, but they make me feel so happy.

My masks are done for the week.  I’ve used up odds and ends of leftover pieces, and my full-length 15” strips are getting low, so it’s time to cut more.

Four courtyard step blocks are completed.  That’s it for pink!  My Garden Party blocks don’t have pink since the quilt is for my grown brother.  I am going to start a pink quilt from stash (I don’t keep many 3 1/2” scraps, so I need stash instead), so maybe I’ll hustle so I have something to show!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. I link up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge each Saturday.


Deb A said...

A finished quilt (beautiful by the way) and a basted quilt! I think you don't sleep at all to get so much accomplished with a full household and garden to care for. Have a great weekend.

Mari said...

Pretty projects! I love your finished quilt. It's so funny, I would have put extra pink in a quilt for my brother! Clearly you're a better sister than I am!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

looks good it is always nice to have some finishes

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love the bee quilt - it's so happy! The sunflower fabric really caught my attention. Congratulations on your progress on that 16 patch quilt, too!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congratulations on finishing Spunky's gifting quilt AND getting your lovely 16-Patch quilt basted, Katie!!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Wow! Great job finishing so much sewing! I agree with you, there is just something magical about all those little squares in checkerboard quilts.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Wow,beautiful quilts! I love the finished one, and your checkerboard top is so pretty! Cute pink blocks too. Busy days ;)

Jenny said...

Your 16 patches looks so nice, such a lit of stitching in all these blocks. Congratulations, such a big job, and it's always so nice to get another project to this stage.

Kathy S. said...

Your checkerboard quilt is gorgeous! They always make me happy as well. Love the bee quilt fabric. Woohoo on another fabulous finish.

Kate said...

Congrats on the finish! You've been really busy and productive. Love the checkerboard quilt. Hope you can get in as much stitching time this week.

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