Monday, December 28, 2020

December Goals Reviewed

 I always forget to wrap up the year tidily, and then I feel rushed, so I’m trying to do better this year.  Of course, I’ve misplaced my sewing notebook at the new house and we don’t have internet there yet, so it’s complicated!

For December, the goals were plain:

1. Scraps: trim, finish the Ice Quilt and the Rainbow Quilt, start a strip twist quilt from scraps, finish Spunky’s quilt (see what happens when I wait to long to report on my goals?), finish one large hexi star and maybe a small one or two.  Two quilts done, strip twist cut and begun, Spunky’s quilt done, but the large hexi quilt is languishing.  I hope to finish it before the year’s end.

2. Get as close as possible to finishing the temperature quilt.  I hope to give this some attention in the next few days.  It’s coming along.

3. Complete the next step of the Morewood Mystery.  Everything is cut, most things are sewn. My ironing board is finally moving to the new house, which will help!

I don’t have January goals yet, so over the next few days I’ll work on those.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

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