Tuesday, January 4, 2022

January Goals

 A new year, a new list, but generally the same lovely list.  January generally starts with energy and big plans.  I will, as I write this, throw in the caveat that the 2 year old gets his Covid vaccination this week (he is part of a study), so I’m prepared to lose a few days.

1.  A t-shirt quilt has been ordered.  I would like to finish it this month.

2. Scraps: trim, 1 red hexagon star, several farmhouse blocks, maybe 20 Valentine blocks, and sew up my triangles.

3.  Rhododendron Mystery: keep up with the clues.

4.  Mending.  Maybe.  T-shirt quilt first.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

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