Saturday, October 22, 2022

Spring Colors in the Fall

 I thought I didn’t accomplish much this week until I started taking photos.

Despite a few hiccups (I didn’t “math” well), my bow ties are in one piece, the backing pieced (ahem, too small initially), the flimsy basted (again, math with the batting), and all my errors corrected.  I theoretically could have quilted it, but I had my Bojagi panels to possess my time.

My second panel is, alas, not quite light green, but it is constructed of more precious scraps, mostly hand dyes from Vicki.  I’m confident I could write quite a long post about this new project, but suffice it to say I finished the second panel.  One more to go.

The flower quilt has plenty of light green fabric, so much so that I may run out of light green before the end of the month.  I’m excited to lay out the current blocks with the Assistant and see how we’re doing.

Finally, I should have finished this brown round easily this week, but I missed a day of hand stitching due to scheduling and exhaustion.  I plan to go for a walk while it’s still cool, and then I’ll try to finish this.

On that note, I’m going to wrap up my post and get busy! I hope to visit Rainbow Scrap Challenge blogs after my chores are done.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


Deb A said...

You got a lot done on the sewing front this week. Sometimes it is not until we take photos of our progress do we realize how our bits of time added up. Your panel is lovely. I have way too many times of miscalculating things in quilting. Great job getting it done.

grammajudyb said...

I think you were quite productive this week. I like what I see!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your Bojagi panels are fascinating to me! What a fun new thing to try. Since you're going for a third, I'm guessing you have a specific spot in mind for them - are they for a window covering? So pretty with the light shining through!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

One great thing about quilting is math can be solved in creative ways. The hexie flower really shows off this month's green nicely.

Cathy said...

I think my fav are the flowers! Sweet!

The Joyful Quilter said...

That's exactly why I started trying to write my post as the week progressed. I just couldn't recall how much I had accomplishes! Your projects are coming along nicely, Katie!

Kate said...

You did have a good week. I love your stained glass looking panel, those are going to look so good when you have them finished.

Vicki W said...

The panels are fascinating! The look like a ton of work, but well worth it.

End of Year…

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