Saturday, September 30, 2023

This and That

I have a finished flimsy for the week!  While it’s not aqua, it is all scraps and stash!  The binding is already gathered from my 2.5” strips of yellow, and the backing will be a green fabric I ordered earlier this year and was all wrong for what I wanted.  It will be perfect for this.  Today I’ll cut the binding.
I will also finish my last lonely aqua box block.

I started a new (small) project, sashiko patterns on the canvas bag I use as a purse.  I’m testing it on the back first, and then I’ll add to the other sides.  It’s hard to use a palm thimble on this bag (I should perhaps have made my first attempt on a plain piece of fabric).

I have made a dozen of so jumeoni (pouches), most in the last few weeks.  I’ve used my favorite fabric combinations, so I’ll do something else for a bit, hence the sashiko.
Our weekend seems to be full of things to do, so I’m off to the next thing!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.



grammajudyb said...

Lovely quilt top, lovely sashiko and cute little pouches (jumeoni).. Lots of this and that and the other at your house! Have a great week.

scraphappy said...

What a great quilt. Love the mix of colors.

Helenchaffin said...

Beautiful quilt top ,Luv the little squares! great job on the the little bag

Elvira said...

Beautiful quilt top. Looking forward to see the finish sashiko :)

End of Year…

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