Saturday, August 13, 2011

All Lefties, it's our Day!

Happy International Left-Handers Day!

My best quilt ever, for anyone visiting from the Left-Handed Quilter's blog, is my Unbaby Quilt.  You can see it by clicking on this link.

Today is also Left-Handers Quilters Anonymous day.

I am one of three left-handed sisters.  My three brothers are all right-handed.  Just to stir the pot a little more, my dad is a rightie and my mom a leftie (but not my mom's two sisters).  AND my mom's mom was a leftie.  What are the odds?  So far, of my three kids, my girls are righties and my son a leftie... he's the only one of his generation that's a leftie so far.  Lucky kid, huh?

I have always LOVED being a leftie.  There's even a store I visited once in Boston that was just leftie stuff.  If I hadn't been a high schooler with next to no money, I could have had a lot of fun in that shop.

My parting thought?

The right half of the brain controls the left half of the body. This means that only left handed people are in their right mind.


from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Lori said...

DD and DH are both left handed. I feel "left" out!!

Anonymous said...

I think it runs in families and will show up more as people accept left handers.

I have an uncle and a cousin that are left handed. I am left handed and my son is left handed.


Annie said...

I'm left-handed, my ex-husband is also a lefty, and one of our two daughters is mostly lefty! None of my siblings are left-handed and neither were our parents. The ex had two roommates in college—both were left-handed!

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