Sunday, August 14, 2011

Design Wall Monday

On the table this week...

-Machine quilt my table runner and trim it.
-Bind my three table runners by Wednesday so my mom can take them to my sister for their photo op.
-Finish my letters for my etsy shop/Bear Cub Q's room.  (Can you guess what his name is?)
-Hand quilt between 36 and 63 squares of my Scraps to Treasures quilt.
-Make some hats and flowers.  My original craft show plans won't work out as I'm starting training the same day... I'll just have to find another one to attend!  After visiting a craft show this weekend, I am reminded just how unprepared I am.  I need a larger supply.

I have my table runner pattern written up and finally edited for the thousandth time.  Would anyone like to test it for me?  If so, leave me a comment and make sure there is a way for me to reach you!

My UFO is "done" for now, as I have cut binding, backing, batting, sewed the tops, marked the names, and can't do more until my sister embroiders names on them.  Her goal is one a week so that they're done by Christmas.  I'll quilt them as fast as she returns them!

Check out the other design walls at Judy's place.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.


Kathie said...

Love the table runner.

SpinningStar said...

I'll help you out in testing the pattern. liz

Quilter Kathy said...

That's a big 'to-do' list...good luck!

Chris said...

Love your table runner. I wish I had time to test it too, but the semester starts in a week :(

marcella said...

Love those strippy letters for Jimmy :-) That will be fun to see finished. Best of luck getting what you need done for the craft fair. Those are fun but lots of work.

Vicki H. said...

I love the projects you are working on. Sure, I would test your pattern! Have fun prepping for the show.

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