Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2017 Goals

I have plenty of quilty goals, as well as some "life" goals for the year.

Quilty goals
Scraps: trim scraps once a month, continue to make Bits and Bobs as a leader and ended, and complete the following quilts: Garden Party, Mini 9s, hourglass, Barn Dance, and use up more orphan blocks.

Finishes: 4 teacher quilts (scrappy quilts mentioned above), 2 donation quilts, and 10 pillowcases for Christmas presents.  Finish a stocking for DH.

Stash Use: use twice as much fabric as I buy for the year.

UFO Challenge: Work on Tell it to the Stars monthly, so this lovely quilt ends the year on my bed.

Someday Quilts: As other goals are finished, make Bonnie Hunter's "En Provence" quilt in my dreamed of "winter quilt" colors.

Weight: Lose 30 pounds (baby weight, you know!)

Family: Be more grateful for my husband and more patient with my children.

Home: Make one thing each week that I could buy but am perfectly capable of making/baking/sewing.

Spiritual life: Daily Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, rosary, and spiritual reading.  I need to finish my Edith Stein book and would like to read Fulton Sheen next.  Also, keep up my adoration hour.  Make it to confession every two months.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

A great list of goals! Good luck with all of them.

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