Sunday, January 8, 2017


Day 4: TTS goals met for the day, mini 9s finished, two sides of binding hand stitched down, and the hourglass blocks started.  Pretty good for a busy day!

I also pulled fabric/scraps for a quilt with Spunky, who really wants to sew something.  We'll be sewing with rectangles with a minimum of seams to match up.  Now I need to find some cutting time!

Thanks, Judy!

Day 3:  Today, I had a birthday cake to make and a house to clean since my delayed birthday company will come on Sunday!  I also had an errand in town.  Still, there was some sewing here and there.

The purple orphan block pincushion was fully quilted, trimmed, sewed into a pincushion, stuffed, sewed shut, and stuck with pins.  Hurrah!  This takes care of my orphan block portion of my goals for the month.

I also machine stitched the binding onto Spelling Bee, so all that remains is the hand stitching.

My TTS goal was also met for the week, with all the outlining stitches completed.  I even managed to start the white filler stitching.  Whoop whoop!

Day 2: Oh, so much better today.  Once the big kids were off to school, I persuaded myself to do cleaning chores first: laundry, washing dishes, sweeping the floor.  Then, while PK slept, I hand quilted TTS and my orphan block.  I'm making excellent progress on TTS, but a part of me wonders if even my low goals for it each month are achievable.  There's just SO MUCH quilting to do on this quilt, and as PK gets bigger I will have less time.  I'm certainly going to try hard.

Once we moved to the basement for the day, I was able to entirely quilt Spelling Bee!  PK slept pretty well, and he and Miss G thankfully slept at the same time for a while, so I busied myself with sewing.  It's my birthday, after all, so I ignored the laundry to be folded.

Day 1:  I spent last night being sick, so today's stitching was limited to a little hand quilting on my orphan block and even less on my TTS.  Tomorrow will be a better day, right?


Angie in SoCal said...

You got a lot done. I'm hoping I'll do better next time.

Alzbeta Volk said...

One should always avoid laundry on one's birthday.

Vivian said...

You really got a lot done for the QuiltAthon. Hope you can join in again next month!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Goodness, for being sick and having company you got a lot done!

Kate said...

You managed a lot, including all that non-quilting stuff.

End of Year…

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