Thursday, December 1, 2022

December Goals

 In November, I had full goals.

1. Quilt my friend’s quilt.  I have already done the stabilizing and quilting for the sashing.  20 blocks to go.  Done.  Due to illness, lingering in my van awaiting delivery. 

2. Scraps: trim and five rounds of hand pieced hexagons.  Done on the 30th!

3.  Process one or two bins of scraps.  I have one large bin and two small that I would like to finish before the end of the year.  Alas, only one.  Processing these scraps requires a million tiny decisions, so it may be a wish to finish both a large and a small bin in the coming month!

4. Finish the blocks for the flower quilt.  Done, and half assembled.

5. Piece the triangle quilt as a leader and ender.  Done!

6. Make a new optical illusion quilt, or make a decision on alternatives.  Splendidly complete, albeit without pictures yet.

December has crept up on me with a plethora of little, not necessarily quilting but definitely sewing related tasks.

1.  Scraps: trim, finish the brown hexagon rounds and start a large star, and process the remaining scrap bins (gulp).

2.  Finish the flower garden quilt.

3.  Mending.  I do not enjoy mending, but I have a growing pile.

4.  Tie dye for a Christmas gift.

5.  Maybe make a yellow stocking.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.

1 comment:

Kate said...

You've made good progress on your goals. Good luck with your December goals. I have some mending that I really should get to. For now I'm going to procrastinate till I get to the closet clean up, probably next year.

End of Year…

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