Saturday, July 8, 2023

Many Stitches

I am half way around the binding on my 16 patch quilt.  It has been a very polite quilt, not causing issues at all.  I have a few tiny puckers on the front where lines cross, but that’s an improvement on last sewing, so my piecing and pressing are improving!
I turned my yeouijumun (jewel) piece into a pillow this week, so there were many, many more hand stitches than I planned.  If I hadn’t decided to finish this, I probably would have my binding completed.  It was red, and it had been whispering to me.

I was grateful for no household hiccups this week, and this pleasant status was accompanied by unusual rain for July.  I am so grateful it rained, and it meant a few days off outside work.

I won’t have many red blocks this month, but I did finish four this week.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.



LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love it when a quilt is polite and doesn't cause any issues! Your pillow is beautiful - so pretty in red. The extra rain has been very welcome here in Colorado, too.

Sara said...

The pillow is beautiful. We got some much needed rain this week too, here in SD. Over 2" on Tuesday and another 1" yesterday.

End of Year…

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