Saturday, January 9, 2021

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Gone Astray

 I did work on my pink hexagons this week, but they change so little from week to week that it didn’t occur to me to take a picture.

Mostly I’ve been sewing and handling not-pink scraps, when I have time to sew!  I have plans for a split star quilt.  I want to cut lots and lots of “parts and pieces” so that when I have my lifting restrictions post-surgery next month, I won’t have to worry about the weight of the iron or the pressure of the rotary cutter for a while.  It’s currently a mess of piles.

I have gathered up pinks for my new scrappy quilt.  The magazine page calls the quilt “Modern Vintage,” so that’s what I’ve been calling it for now.  The blocks should be easy to make each month, requiring only one size of scrap, and I can stop whenever I feel like I have enough blocks (or keep going for a second quilt!).

I would really love to finish my temperature quilt from 2020 in the next week, and then I can focus on 2021. There will be no temperature quilt this year; I need to think about how I’d like to add more detail to the quilt in a future project... birthdays, major life events, etc.

DH is almost done building a wall in the basement, which will help us get the rest of the unpacking in process.  I’m happy the kitchen and sewing room are both unpacked, even if I will have to rearrange in time.

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z. 

P.S. I’m linking up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!


maggie fellow said...

It will be fun to watch these unfold over the next year

The Joyful Quilter said...

Planning for post-surgery sewing is a smart idea, Katie! I'm SEW glad you were able to gather your PINK scraps for the Modern Vintage quilt you'll be making as part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. Off to see if you posted a tour of the new sewing room tour...

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

hope your surgery will not take long to recover and all goes well. Moving can be such a long chore

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Modern Vintage looks like a neat pattern! I'll enjoy seeing your progress on it. Glad you're getting settled in your new home and figuring out where things need to go!

scraphappy said...

So glad that you have a plan for after surgery. Good luck with the unpacking. So much to do! One day t a time though, you will get there.

Susie H said...

Looks like a good plan and I'm glad you managed a few more hexies ... even if we didn't get to see them! Ha! ;-D

Kate said...

You've done well to get much stitching done at all with all the moving stuff. Looking forward to watching your Modern Vintage blocks come together.

End of Year…

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