Saturday, January 16, 2021

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Pink Pieces

 My apologies on out of order pictures.  I put them in order, they appear out of order, and on phone internet, I don’t have the option to reupload, etc.  so here we go...

My temperature quilt for 2020 is finished!  I would like to embroider 2020 in the brown filler patch at the bottom, and maybe label each sample fabric (bottom right corner, from dark purple at below 0 to the maroon red at over 100), but it’s quilted and bound.  I did use a fabric pen to mark when self-isolation began for us as a family, but otherwise it’s plain.

Some year, if I’m organized enough, I’d like to mark birthdays, special events, major weather events, etc.  it would be interesting to record visually.  I marked each day with a low and high temperature, so I quilted in pairs two separate out each day.
The backing is hand dyed by the big girls and me.  I like it!

Here’s the actual pink for the week.  I finished two of my pink Modern Vintage blocks.  I clearly need to trim my half square triangles next time, but I was (cough, cough) too lazy this week.  Next week, I hope to  finish the last one and make some pink Farm Quilt blocks.
It’s time to link up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge again!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis, katie z.


maggie fellow said...

congrats on a great quilt finish - lovely pink blocks too

scraphappy said...

You modern vintage blocks are coming along well. Trimming is such a bother, but it can be so relaxing too. I just put a new blade in my cutter to celebrate the new year, and it makes everything easier. Congratulations on finishing up your temperatures quilt. Seeing the whole thing tells a story.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Your temperature quilt is just great, Katie! Even though I knew to expect the warmer colors in the center of the quilt, it makes a really neat design to go from cooler to warmer to cooler again.

Deb A said...

Congrats on the quilt finish. I am often too cough, cough, lazy to trim parts as well.

Kirsten said...

Your modern vintage blocks are lovely. I am right there with you on the skipping the trimming (often to regret it later).

Cathy said...

Congrats on the Temperature quilt finish! I have seen so many wonderful variations of this quilt and each time I see one I think I should make one but never do.

sue s said...

Your temperature quilt is great!! I have finally started one for this year and am so sad in hindsight that I didn't do 2020 when I first thought of it! Nice pink blocks too.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on finishing off your 2020 Temp Quilt, Katie! You and the big girls did a great job on the backing. That dye job is AWESOME!! Nice start to PINK month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, too.

Susie H said...

Nice job on EVERYTHING! A finish is always nice and the beautiful backing makes it super special. Your pink blocks look pretty too!

End of Year…

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