Saturday, March 12, 2022

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Buzzing Busily

 I had another week of more appointments and meetings than normal.  This makes me so tired.  Fortunately, this week, it also lit a fire under me to make good use of my sewing time when I was able to sneak it in.  As such, I finished one quilt, “Flowers for Frances.”  I also quilted my quick quilt, which is quietly calling for a binding.  Unfortunately, it hasn’t answered my question of what color?

On the yellow side of sewing, I assembled a lovely quilt from a leftover layer cake of bee fabrics.  The Assistant managed the layout for me, so it was a quick project to sew up.  I’m glad the “leftovers” box will be empty, with only a few 5” squares and two pieces of yardage left.

Two more farm house blocks joined my collection, leaving only 4 more to choose.  I’ve decided to abandon the truck.  It’s more work than I want to recreated the block with less detail.  I’m in the mood for easy to pick up and put down blocks right now!  (One of our new-to-us apple trees does have yellow apples, so it was perfect for this month!  And, as it is nearly spring, I planted carrots and peas this week.)

Today is a “too full” day as well, so I need to get back to it!

from the room of Zana’s Ninis,
katie z.


scraphappy said...

I love the white fabric that you chose for your yellow apple block. Always fun to have just the right texture! Glad you had some concentrated productivity.

Mari said...

Love the little "bee" quilt! Yellow is such a happy color, and the yellow apple is great, too. Good luck with your busy day!

grammajudyb said...

You made great progress despite being extra busy! Love the apple block.I picked up a couple of OPAL apples with my groceries last week. It was new to us and very tasty. Yellow too!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The bee quilt is so fun and happy! And love your "Golden Delicious" apple, too. I bet those are tasty right off the tree!

Dorothy Wills said...

Perfect choices for that apple! So cute!

The Joyful Quilter said...

SEW glad that you managed some RSC sewing in YELLOW during your crazy busy week, Katie! Off to check out your quilt finish...

Kate said...

Your yellow left overs quilt is really fun, I like how the Assistant spread out the black blocks. Hope the meetings and appointments lighten up soon so you can get more stitching time in.

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