Saturday, December 31, 2016

Stash Report Week #53

There were some Christmas gifts, and some frivolous shopping, and some intentional shopping, so my numbers took a turn for "the worst."  I received 10 yards for Christmas (which I ordered for myself.  DH does not excel at ordering gifts in a timely fashion, but he does excel at working hard and taking care of plumbing, etc., so I learned to order my own Christmas gift).  I bought 5 yards of Christmas fabric for gifts for nieces and nephews next year.  I did a spur of the moment, end of the year order of 11 yards, and I would rather count it now at the end of the year than tank the new year's numbers!  Finally, there's the buying I've done for a Christmas quilt I'm going to start when the bigs go to Ireland next summer without me.  I intended to keep the fabric set aside and coaunt it when I enjoyed it, but, again, I may as well affect the passing year!

So all told...

IN this week:  47 yards
OUT this week: 0 yards

IN YTD: 146 yards
OUT YTD: 142 1/2 yards
YTD Total: 3 1/2 IN

I'm content with my numbers, as I'm being more deliberate with purchases, have gaps still to fill in my stash, and am making a concerted effort not to buy my favorite color, since it makes up roughly 1/5 or more of my stash!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

(I will try to add photos later, but in case I forget, I'm posting while I have the chance!)

2016 "350 Block Challenge"

I might manage a block or two before day's end, but I think it's safe to wrap up my block count for December and the year.

I added 30 ABC blocks, 63 Garden Party chain blocks (full and partials), 36 blocks for a collaboration quilt with my daughter, 3 appliqué buds, and 1 lonely Bits and Bobs block, for a total of 133 new blocks.

My total for the year is now 1007!

In 2015, I finished 1400.
In 2014, 794.
In 2013, 1057.
In 2012, north of 180.  I quit counting when terrible morning sickness and moving excitement settle down in, so it was more but I don't know how muc.

What a year, eh?  Check out the other block totals!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Wrap Up

This week, I finally managed to write my birth story (click here if interested).

In between the bustle of visiting family and the distress of a feverish JoJo, I eked out the final few alphabet blocks.  I loved Kate's suggestion of "Spelling Bee" as a quilt name, so that issue is resolved.  I will be adding chunky 5" borders to make it to size.  The lengths are already sewn, and if time, Pete, and chores permit, I'll have a finished flimsy before the end of the year!  I love this quilt.  There was a moment, somewhere in the middle of the chaos of scraps and the mishmash of letters, in which I thought this quilt maybe should not see the light of day.  I think that's just my uncertainty about the lack of planning and unfamiliar construction techniques.  I'm glad now I went for it, even if I would probably change a few things if I did it all over again.  The varied backgrounds maybe should have been kept to one or two, not all five of the possibilities, and the same with the letters.  The Assistant has declared she likes it, which is good since Miss G received a soft, fluffy comforter from a grandma for Christmas and may reject my quilt when it's done.  (I can see my F is pretty invisible with the black coping strip.  Oh, well!)
My "Garden Party" chain blocks are completed, all in blues, ready for the alternate blocks as one of my RSC projects for next year.  I have all the other blocks cut, so I suspect this quilt will work up in less than 12 months!
I'm excited to have the cutting complete for three of my scrap quilts for next year: Garden Party, using 1.5" scraps; mini 9s, using 2" scraps; and hourglass blocks, using 2.5" scraps.  I'll also be making a reduced version of "Barn Dance" by Denise Russart out of my hand dyed fabrics against a lovely dark blue batik I bought a few months ago.  I will, of course, continue with the Bits and Bobs blocks.  At some point I need to see how many more of those I need!

Some of my Rainbow Scrap Challenges this year were:
Girl baby quilt in purple, pink, and green scraps and UFO blocks
the Assistant's quilt
Orphan Medallion
Teacher Plus Quilt
Odd Fellows
Teacher Bricks Quilt
Yellow and Grey Double Four Patch
Teacher Applique Quilt
Twinkler Star
Amethyst and Iron
Autism Puzzle Quilt

Be sure to check out other finishes from 2016 and plans for 2017!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Sneaky Pete

(Birth story, not quilting, so feel free to skip if you don't want to hear about labor!)

On December 14, I woke up at 4:30 to feed the chickens one last time before my (hopefully) six week break from animal chores.  We left for the hospital shortly after 5, got checked in, and started preparing for my induction.  I know a large number of women who are rather appalled that I have been induced 5 out of 6 times (and the Assistant missed being induced by mere hours), but I have a comfy uterus, and don't go into labor.

The first trauma was trying to get an IV placed.  I have "bad" veins, and they're even worse when I'm told not to take anything by mouth after midnight.  If there is a next time, I'm drinking a few cups of water before going, regardless of instructions.  One vein blew, and the second was sketchy at best.  On with the program.

I made sure to ask the protocol for pain medicine in my IV since I didn't want an epidural but wanted the option for a little pain relief.  The nurse, fortunately, knew the rules and told me two hours before delivery was the cutoff, not four like the doctor said.  (By the time I ask for pain medicine, there's definitely not four hours left.)

Several hours in, I asked for pain medicine.  Even after getting the IV medicine, I fe;lt overwhelmed by labor.  (Miss G had been born with the cord tight around her neck, so it had become an emergency to push her out as fast as possible.  It was scary, even though she was fine in the end.)  I'm pretty sure I was leaking amniotic fluid, and that should have warned me delivery was dramatically close.  I was only dialated to five, so I was afraid I had several hours of labor left.  Ha!

I had made a deal with myself that I could make it through 120 contractions and surely the baby would be born by then.  Yes, I'm a crazy lady, and once the contractions hurt, I estimate how many are left and tell myself I can make it that far.  I was at 60, and just felt too tired to face another 60.

I asked for an epidural, despite my fear of needles anywhere near my spine.  The anesthesiologist did a fabulous job, despite getting called away twice for a bigger emergency.  Do you know how hard it is to sit still during contractions?  I've never had to sit up during labor, on the side of my bed, without moving my arms and legs.  About this time, I started feeling a little "pushy," which really meant I was in transition and about to deliver.  The trouble, every time, is that I don't remember that.  I should have said something right away, because I pretty much went from 5cm to fully dialated and from -3 to having a baby in less than 40 minutes.  My doctor, had they asked him, would have rushed over from his office.  But anyway, that didn't happened.

As the epidural started to take effect, I was still feeling piercing pains on the right side, in my hip.  They kept telling me it would take a little bit to numb up.  Meanwhile, to accommodate the epidural, they pump in an extra bag of fluids.  As the nurse (who was amazing) was squeezing the bag to hurry it along, my vein with the IV decided it had endured enough, and my hand ballooned.  They turned off the IV, and the nurse was preparing to replace it (quickly).  I felt a tickle on my leg, but thought nothing of it, since my legs were pretty numb.

People were starting to come in the room to prep for delivery, but I was still laying on my side in the bed, without any preparations made for delivery.  They hadn't called my doctor yet.  You see where this is going, don't you?

Another anesthesiologist, who has attended five of my births, came in and immediately told the nurse to check me.  The nurse said she would, after she fixed my IV.  The anesthesiologist said no, right away.  I felt another tickle on my leg.  They lifted the sheets, and there was Pete, born except for his feet.

DH managed to contaminate the whole tray of birthing supplies by grabbing the wrong clamp for the cord.

There was crazy excitement and significant mess since my water broke all over the bed, but since I was on my side lying down, it all blew past me.  I do remember when they placed Pete on my chest, and I was craning my neck to see him.  I could tell he was tiny.  They had to change all my sheets, and haul me around since I was numb from the waist down.  Good times.

It turns out he was only 7 pounds, 13 ounces, with a 14 inch head, born about 11:53 am.

Another nurse tried to place a new IV to finish my pitocin and fluids, but it blew, and they determined it was okay not to try again.  Yay!  It was really nice to have no IV during the rest of my hospital stay.  When my doctor arrived, he apparently said, "Idiots!" and laughed.  No stitches, although there must have been a tear in my placenta, because they had to check if they got everything out.  Score one for the epidural, as I can't even remember the feeling of being checked, and I know that hurts like Hades.

So, sneaky Pete arrived without a conscious push on my part.  It turned out he was tongue-tied, but our family doctor clipped it later that evening.  No problems, no difficulties.  He's a fabulously content baby in spite of all the drama of a house of eight!

For those of you who were waiting for this post, I apologize.  It took significantly more thought and time than my usual posts, and then I couldn't finish it on the iPad once it was too long.  Here it is, finally!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Stash Report Week #52

There are no changes to report for last week, although my stash usage will take a hit once I tally Christmas presents.  That's okay, because I love the oranges and yellows and they were sadly lacking in my stash.

Off to bed!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Christmas Eve

What have you been sewing?

I've managed a letter or two a day on my yellow orphan alphabet quilt. (I need to find a better name than that!). The bottom three rows are together, and while I see a touch of waviness, it's doing very well for an unplanned quilt!  I've chosen the color schemes for the last five blocks, and I think (I think) I can finish the main top before the end of the year.  I think I still need borders, and I make no promises about those.

As my "in between" sewing, I've been working on the chain blocks for Garden Party.  These stand a good chance of being done before the end of the year as well, since the craziness in holidays is over this weekend and I have nothing planned for next week!

Today is PK's baptism, so who knows if I'll even make it to the basement today.  It's all good, and all in good time.  No worries if I don't, and if I could just get rid of these pesky migraines (two in the past four days, or the same one rebounding), I'd be a happy camper!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Stash Report Week #51

A little here, a little there adds up!

This week, I used up three spools of thread!  I had no idea all three were so close to empty, but I'm glad to see them cleared out for the new year.

I received 3/4 yards in as a prize from Shelly over at Prairie Moon Quilts.  She sent three super cute fat quarters of baby prints.  I'm not sure what they'll become, but the possibilities are pretty fun!

In the OUT column, I finished a placemat and donated 2 1/4 yards to Goodwill.  This was a length each of white and black that just didn't feel right.  The black was a little sheer, so its durability was in question, and the white felt... yucky for quilting.  I know I could use them for non-quilting projects, but right now I don't have a good place to keep "other" fabric, so someone else gets to make use of them.

IN this week: 3/4 yard
OUT this week: 2 3/4 yards

IN YTD: 99 yards
OUT YTD: 142 1/2 yards
YTD Total: 43 1/2 yards OUT!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

2017 UFO Challenge

Judy Laquidara has some quilting mojo back, so she's hosting a low-stress UFO challenge in 2017.  Each month, she plans to draw a number, and we're all invited to finish that UFO.  Since I no longer have that many UFOs, I decided to divide up the remaining quilting on my Tell it to the Stars (Judy's quilt-a-long/mystery quilt in 2014).  It deserves some fabulous hand quilting, which I started but never finished.  I spent November and some of December this year tackling the outer border, so I could bind it before the edges frayed any more.

My numbers will be:
1. Blocks 3, 4, and 5
2. Blocks 6, 7, and 8
3. Blocks 9 and 10
4. Blocks 11 and 12
5. Finish the outer white border
6. Two sides of the green and grey border
7. Final side of the green and grey border
8. Two sides of grey setting triangles
9. Two sides of grey setting triangles
10. Chains
11. Two sides of white filler
12. Two sides of white filler

This should be plenty to keep me busy for a year, and the monthly check in will keep me motivated!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: the Other Side

Finished pink, purple, and green quilt.  It's more square than it looks.
Always in my mind, the birth of a baby is a hard and fast break point in my life.  I don't set goals past that point, I don't really plan for life after that point, since I'm never sure how I'll feel or how baby will behave.
"Sleeping" together.  Miss G tucked JoJo in, and then asked me to tuck her in.

PK was born Wednesday after quite a precipitous labor.  In fact, he was born on my bed without anyone, myself included, realizing what had happened.  That's another blog post entirely, maybe for this afternoon or tomorrow.  He's quite splendid, calm, and tiny compared to my others.  We're sleeping plenty, eating, and managed to pee all over Daddy during his first diaper change.  DH had forgotten about changing baby boy diapers!
Before I was induced, I managed a fair bit of sewing.  To be honest, I was very nervous about labor, since Miss G had a scary end to her delivery two years ago and then I had a miscarriage.  I sewed my brains out trying not to worry.  In the end, I finished all the nine patches for my chain blocks, so the box is getting tidier with each sewing session.
One more rose appliqué is hanging on my wall.  I finished it Tuesday evening and was so happy to place it with the others.

PK's placemat is already done, as my sister finished embroidering his name, and I backed it with a fabulous fat quarter in blue and purple, quilted it, and bound it. Tuesday was a busy day between sewing and cleaning!
Finally, my big project of the week, which even saw a few new pieces added Friday, is a new orphan block project.  I had a few black, yellow, grey, and black and white orphan pieces, so I decided to throw them all together.  One was the letter Z, which really puzzled me.  The Assistant, whose name starts with Z, didn't really need a new quilt or pillow so... DH has been pestering me to make a bedsize quilt for Miss G, since he often sleeps with her after she wakes up at night.  His request was to back it with a sheet like a quilt I was working on when the Assistant was born.  That eleven years ago, almost, so I told him I'd try.  As luck would have it, my older sister and mom went to the mall with me, and we found a set of clearance sheets at Dillard's that were very similar.  I bought them, so I had the backing.  Now for that Z and the front!  I decided to pull out my Tonya Ricucci book, Word Play, and build a liberated alphabet in my orphan blocks for the front.  I have 16 letters done and am sewing together the lower rows since everything won't fit on my design wall in pieces.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Be sure to check out all the projects as they wrap up this year!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Brief Update

PK was born safely yesterday after a precipitous labor.  I'll update more later, but we are both safe and healthy and ready to go home!  I can't seem to post a picture right now, so later this week!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Stash Report Week #50

I almost made my goal of using double what I purchased/received this year and then... I ordered fabric.  This is from a few weeks ago, when JoJo had a migraine and vomited on me.  Sometimes, you need a reward for the gross stuff involved in being a mom, right?  Hancocks of Paducah has gotten slower each time in filling my order, so this may be the last time, no matter how good the deal is

I finished another orphan block quilt, so the box is emptying nicely.  The quilt wasn't very big, but I'm estimating three yards, as the front has a multitude of seams.

IN this week: 27 yards
OUT this week: 3 yards

IN YTD: 98 1/4 yards
OUT YTD: 139 3/4 yards
YTD Total: 41 1/2 yards OUT!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: Keep Moving

There are only a few days to go before PK makes his appearance!  In the meantime, I'm cleaning, shopping, and catching up on delayed projects.

One lonely Bits and Bobs block joined my collection.  I made more nine-patches, but there are no lots of five to sew together.
The Assistant's next project is all cut and sorted, with even the backing picked out.  She's not sewing much right now, but it's ready to go when she's interested.

I've sewn a few more rose blooms.  I have three more small ones to go before I have to take on the leaves and stems.  One is already basted, so I may be able to finish it before the baby.  We'll see.  I have the background ready to go, so whenever I get there, I get there.
The mending is done!  It took me until Friday to brave the last needed repair, the lining pockets of a suit coat.  It's not lovely, but 'tis done.

I've spent not enough but still far too much time working on the binding on my one remaining "real" UFO.  The quilting is far from finished, but the edges were getting ragged, so I finished the final border and have 2 1/2 sides of the binding finished.
I was much more interested in wrapping up Spunky's free form quilt top this week.  Even after removing the offending wavy border, I found some fullness on the left side of the quilt which is most likely a consequence of my not measuring.  I hand stitched a few extra large seams and think the result is just fine.  The basting probably took fifteen minutes, as the quilt is only 33" x 36", and it quilted up in less than two bobbins of brilliant pink.  I used scraps from my 2.5" bin for the binding, so now all that remains is hand stitching the binding to the back.  I really want to finish the binding on my big quilt first, but the temptation for a quick finish may be too great to resist.
My final project of the week was these blocks.  They are the border blocks for "Garden Party," a quilt by Bonnie Hunter.  I'm making up my own measurements, etc., since I don't have the pattern, but the main blocks will be one of my scrappy projects for next year.  I was a little disappointed that, after cutting all the needed chain blocks, I still have oodles of dark and medium blue strips. I'll keep sewing and see if I missed anything.  Next up will be the full blocks, and I'll work on those throughout the year as time allows.

Be sure to check out all the fabulous projects this Saturday!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Stash Report Week #49

The Assistant finished her quilt top from my scraps, and I quilted and bound it, so I'm counting the yardage.

IN this week: 0 yards
OUT this week: 7 1/2 yards

IN YTD: 71 1/4 yards
OUT YTD: 136 3/4 yards
YTD Total: 65 1/2 OUT!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Rainbow Scrap Challenge: the Almost, but Not Quite Edition

Getting ready for baby is complicated.  I've taken two "stock up" trips to the store for nonperishables and still don't have everything.  We went to the mall today to get shoes for the outgrown, worn out, and lacking shoes.  JoJo found the train at the mall, and we had a meltdown where I had to carry him out of the mall at the end.  He's struggling with getting back into routine after Thanksgiving Break, and big brother Q is being a little... naughty... these days.

In between all that insanity, Spunky and I have been collaborating on using up my pink, gree, and purple orphan blocks and scraps.  The "almost, not quite" in this case is because I sewed on a side strip that is positively waving at me.  I hate ripping, but I'll hate quilting that wavy mess even more.  Still, it's pretty fun and funky.

My other "almost, not quite" referred to the Assistant's quilt, which is entirely cut from my 2.5" Scrap bin.  She finished the last seams on Sunday, we agreed on a backing (trains, since it's for the Assistant to snuggle with the new baby boy), I tried to piece a scrap batting but ran out and cut new, and I basted.  I forced myself to get up every ten minutes for ten minutes to keep the basting from wreaking total havoc on my pelvis and back, so it wasn't too bad.  I even quilted it over two days, and we won't point out the missed seams or too narrow seams.  I quilted over the worst, and the quilt is made to be used, so it's all good.  I had to tell her about my first quilt, which gets returned to me once a year by my older sister so I can make repairs.  Yes, it was and is that bad.  I "almost" had the binding done when I started this post, didn't think I'd finish before mid morning, but had plenty of time to finish since Miss G woke early this morning.  It's DONE!!!  I love it, and hopefully she does too.
I finished the Orphan Medallion quilt last Saturday afternoon, washed and dried it, and totally forgot about it in the dryer.  Now it's folded up and waiting for a need.
I think I have to face down the mending basket this week, since I will have no desire to tackle it after baby arrives.  I really don't like mending.  Intensely.  But I'll do it, since I love my family.

Cold weather has finally arrived, so I'm bundling up for chores and enjoying cold feet at night.  The quilts are emerging from storage, and I think we'll be changing all the bedsheets to flannel or knit before the baby comes.

Friday, December 2, 2016

December Goals

In November, I hoped to...
1.  Manage the scraps: trim (done!), more Bits and Bobs, and finish Odd Fellows (also done!).   All done.

2.  Finish the teacher quilt (a plus quilt).  All done, all from stash.

3.  Make progress on the Rose Appliqué.  Three roses complete.

4.  Finish the purple and pink log cabin quilt.  Done.

5.  Make progress on Tell it to the Stars.  It's long overdue for more quilting.  I've decided to tackle the borders first, so I can put the binding on and save the fraying edges.  I've finished the wide green border on 3 1/2 sides, so I'm moving along.  Half more and I can apply the binding.

If time permits: the final stocking and the baby's placemat.  Negative.  The new pattern hasn't come out for the stocking, and the placemat is in my sister's lovely hands.

I did also complete a quilt from orphan blocks, quilt the Assistant's quilt, and make a pillow cover. All in all, I felt it was an amazingly productive month.  I think that's what happens when I have the hard and fast deadline of a new baby's imminent arrival.

In December, I hope to...
1.  Keep up with scraps: trimming and Bits and Bobs.

2. Get the binding on TTS.

3.  Keep on working on the rose appliqué.

4.  Cut the pieces for my "Garden Party" quilt.

5. Finish the Assistant's quilt.

6.  Get the pink, purple, and green orphan blocks to a top.  This is a collaboration with Spunky.  Very "liberated."

If it works... the placemat and stocking.  I'm going to be induced December 14, so there's not much time!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

December UFO Update

1. Tell it to the Stars
2. Stockings (7 of 8)
3. Bits and Bobs
4. Placemat for PK
5. Mini 9s
6. Rose appliqué 
7. Hourglass blocks

Not Started Yet/Delayed:
1. Scrappy DWR (I'm collecting fabrics still)
2. Pillow (I don't currently need another, but the fabric was passed from a beloved deceased)
3. ABC appliqué
4. Orphan blocks

November 1: 13 UFOs
Finished: 4
Started: 2
November 30: 11 UFOs

I started (and finished) a pillow and a pink and purple log cabin quilt.  I also finished Odd Fellows and the plus quilt (woohoo!).  Odd Fellows is "the" accomplishment of the year, in my mind.  I also finished a baby quilt made from my blue orphan blocks, but since the orphan tub isn't empty yet, I don't really get to count it in or out.  I am collaborating with Spunky on the next orphan quilt, in mainly pink, purple, and green, and it's, um, very improv.  I look forward to following her lead on this quilt, even if it's a stretch for me.

I don't foresee any of the above projects being completed in December.  #1 is hand quilting, and I have months to go.  2 is waiting for a patten release, 3 and 6 are long term, 4 is waiting on my sister, 5 and 7 are new for next year.  I'm currently chipping away at the orphan blocks, but since my induction date is now 13 days away, I don't anticipate wrapping up that goal either.  I'm having fun, which is the important part, and I'm grateful to have finished up so many aged projects in the last few years!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...