Monday, December 27, 2010

To end the year...

Goal #1 was to use 50 yards more than I bought.  While I did not accomplish this goal (only 13 yards more), I did use more than I bought, which is good.

Goal #2 was to donate a charity quilt.  DONE!

Goal #3 was to use up a box of yuckies.  DONE!

Goal #4 was to learn and execute a new quilty skill.  I will consider my wool applique project as fulfilling this goal, as I learned to do embroidery stitches for future quilts!

It was a good year, all in all.  And, after all, with three beautiful kids, goals are only goals.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Goals for 2011

1. Have a media and internet free day one day a week.  While this is not exactly a quilty goal, it will help me spend more time with my kids and have quilting time.  The internet free day worked fairly well in 2010.  And maybe, it will help me be more focused when I'm on the internet - then I could have time to write more insightful blog posts, or take time to develop my stash reports for Sundays... living simply and living deliberately.

2. One car-free day a week.  Sometimes this will just mean not running errands, sometimes it will be walking where we need to go.  It seemed to help us with cooking and baking at home this year - if I will be at home all day, I will start something rising, or chill some cookie dough (or learn how to make bone meal!).  Again, living simply and deliberately.

3. Make one charity quilt.

4. Finish my UFO list.  "Finish" of course, is flexible according to the project, but ultimately, this should help me bust a significant amount of stash.

5. Go no-buy as long as possible (in January, I will shop with a 25% off coupon, in October, I'll go on the shop hop, and if my husband says I have to buy something to make a gift, I will buy).

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Stash Report Week #52

10 1/2 yards in this week... I had pictures, but forgive the lack thereof due to unforseen circumstances this evening (the Screamer just destroyed DH's paycheck).  I will be ending the year only 13 yards OUT, but since my stash is small to begin with, I am okay with those totals.  I'm still not sure that I'll be aiming to decrease my stash significantly next year, but I know I will be aiming to FINISH some projects that have been waiting to be begun for several years, hence the UFO list from Judy's.

We had a lovely Christmas together.  The Assistant loved to tear into (and distribute) all the presents, and Q loved the paper.  The Screamer found some toys with which to build, and her day was made too.

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, December 24, 2010

We just finished decorating the tree as a family.  Now I am scrambling to finish our... not Christmas letter, as it is never ready to send by Christmas, but our Epiphany letter.

Bear Cub Q is feverishly teething, the Screamer is dancing with her new bunny, and the Assistant is regaining her dignity.  We are all well and thankful.

a blessed celebration of the birth of Christ to you all.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Stash Report Week #51

N this week: 0 yards
IN YTD: 156 3/4 yards

OUT this week: 3/4 yards
OUT YTD: 179 3/4 yards

YTD Total: 23 yards out

I finished the Pink Things top.  It is now basted, with my DH's assistance.  (Just don't tell him I may have to undo all the pins he helped with - he lifted the quilt top up to close pins, so the bottom wrinkled!)

I am still working on the Favorite Things blocks for the 4th border.  All the other borders are pieced at cut, so once the 78 blocks are done, I'll be cruising (until I get to the backing, that is).

In wilder, non-sewing news, my brother moved this weekend, my DH's dad is in town, and we had a someone come back to look at our house again!

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Judy's UFO Challenge

To see what other people are doing, click on the UFO challenge button on the left.  Strictly speaking, I don't have many UFOs, but I'm going to work on long term projects and unstarted projects!  I'm hoping to do some serious stashbusting by working on these projects (all from stash!)

1. Charm pack from Connecting Threads.  It was a freebie from something, and I think it's the Root of the Madder line (something like that).  As it's not my ordinary fabric choices, and there's not much of it, I've struggled to find an appropriate project.  I want this gone!

2 & 3. Favorite Things and Pink Boxes.  I don't know when these will be chosen, so the goal will vary.  It may be "hand quilt two rows" or, Favorite Things shows up early, it will be "finish border and baste."
 4. My baggy of 1" squares that have been sewn together, is sorted, but what am I going to do with it?  I need to use up or get rid of these in 2011.

5. This is a long term project: a scrappy/charm double wedding ring quilt.  My goal will be to make sure I have templates made, and cut these scraps into their pieces, so I can use the rest for other projects.  I might also go through my stash and cut a piece from each.
 6. Placemats for the atrium.
 7. 19 placemats for my family.  It won't be finish them, but cut the backing so my sister can embroider names on them, then make the tops and lots and lots of binding (and cut batting too, while I'm at it).  Basically, I need to make significant progress, and then return the extra fabric to my stash!
 8.  Snowflake hexagons.  I'm making a charm quilt out of snowflake and star fabrics.  This is a long term project, again, so the goal will be to clean up all the pieces I have ready - cut the yogurt lids into the hexagon templates, baste the fabric I have, and assemble what I can.  I still new 100s of stars and snowflakes, but I will use what I have!
 9. ABC applique quilts.  I need to make plastic templates of each of the letters (my paper templates are a bit worn), and cut out as many complete sets of letters as I can, so I know what fabrics to put on my "when I'm out and have nothing better to buy" list.  I'll have everything ready to make a few quilts when I need them!
 10. Slippers.  I have all the materials, but don't know if I even like the pattern.  I really should try a few pairs.
11.  Pillowcase for DH's Memaw.  This isn't a UFO, but I won't do it if it's not on a list.  It requires some serious fabric hunting.

12. Runners.  I need to make 14 table runners for Christmas next year.  Some I will be making through Judy's monochromatic quilt challenge.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Stash Report Week #50

I went shopping this week, buying two yards of red and a yard of blue snowflake.  The reds were on the clearance rack, so I only paid $4 or $5 a yard for them.  I'm currently ticked at JoAnn's, so I'm going to see how much shopping I can do affordably through quilt shops.  (I'm always frustrated when you try to buy something on sale, only to have it out of stock... as well as any and all alternatives.  And it's not like I was shopping on the last day of the sale, either.)

IN this week: 3 yards
IN YTD: 156 3/4 yards

OUT this week: 0 yards
OUT YTD: 179 yards

YTD Total: 22 1/2 yards out

While it would be exciting to find a way to get back to my goal of 50 yards out by year's end, nothin' doin'.   At least I was there at one point this year, and I have definitely used more than I bought.  My stash is not large, so I think I'm doing okay.

The blocks are done for my Favorite Things quilt (a la Judy's Peaches'n'Cream quilt pattern), and I have begun to add borders.  Normally, I am NOT a border girl, but I am dutifully going to add all the borders Judy calls for.  I want this quilt to be BIG ENOUGH!

The pink quilt blocks are done and stacked up for sewing into a quilt top.  They will not have borders, as the whole point of this quilt top was to use finicky sliced up strips of the Assistant's pink stash.  Mission accomplished (at least until she cuts into something else!).

We went to an auction today, and therefore have depleted our savings to buy a tractor.  Gulp.  I don't like having little-to-no savings beyond the emergency fund!

I almost have an apron for church complete, but not yet.

I am percolating goals for next year.

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy Things

... A day free of screaming tantrum/panic attacks from the Screamer.
... Bear Cub Q unrolled the roll of toilet paper in the bathroom and laughed the whole time.
... Bear Cub Q took a three-hour nap today.
... I made Mexican Spaghetti using homemade chili powder and homemade taco seasoning.  My lips tingled.  The meal was accompanied by homemade corn bread using the last of our home-grown corn.
... My mom was here today.
... My mom is going to spend a week with my sister in Colorado, who's had the flu.  I'll miss Mom, but am glad for Sis.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Stash Report Week #49

My lovely older sister, over Thanksgiving weekend, went to a bed and breakfast with her husband.  While they were out exploring sans-child, she found a quilt shop and bought me a yard of blue-on-white snowflake fabric!  Isn't she sweet?

I finished my socks, but need to wash them before I show a picture (besides, I lost one while I was "cleaning" for a house showing [only two hours after I found out they wanted to come!  Agh!]).

I finished my candle mat, san ferns, as my stem stitch was HORRIBLE.

I have 29 blocks of my "Favorite Things" sewn... only one left!  I have 20- 12" blocks for the Assistant's pink quilt.

I think I need to start my Christmas letter.  My goal is always to get it out by the Epiphany (my birthday!).

We visited the land.  I found a potato.

"Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat.  Please to put a penny in an old man's hat."

IN this week: 1 yard
IN YTD: 153 3/4 yards

OUT this week: 1/4 yard
OUT YTD: 179 yards

YTD Total: 25 1/2 yards OUT!

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, December 3, 2010


San Fernando Cathedral in San Antonio

Bear Cub Q, DH, the Assistant, me, and Screamer at the Alamo
from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What does this all mean?

I have the touch for destroying electronics this week...

Yesterday, I thought the space heater was smelling HOT.  You know what I mean, when it smells dangerously, overheated-type hot?  Then I saw the sparks, followed by small flames.  "Oh, my, oh, my," I exclaimed, trying not to attract the attention of Bear Cub Q, who was sitting next to the now-burning space heater.  I unplugged it, and the flames vanished.  Electronic #1 to the dumpster.

The Screamer likes to express her disapproval of DH's absence by peeing on the floor.  So, while doing the laundry that accumulates from such expressions of disapproval, I knocked the old clock radio onto the floor.  It used to sit atop the dryer to be used in inclement weather, but alas, no more.  It no longer picks up 90% of the radio stations, including the country station that covers weather.  Electronic #2 to the trash.

Last night, I slow-cooked a chicken for dinner, then returned the bones to the cooker to make broth.  This morning, after straining the broth, I decided to attempt homemade bone meal by cleaning the bones and drying them in the oven at 300 degrees for 3 hours.  That inspired me to feel housewifely and efficient, so I cut up the last bowl of peppers to dry in the dehydrator (to make chili powder, eventually).  I started the dehydrator, which didn't start, took a peek in the middle, and saw red and smoke.  Dang.  Electronic #3 to the dumpster.

My mom says such things come in threes.  I hope she's right!  If she's wrong, what will become of the sewing machine?  Or the iron?  Or... (I dare not come up with a third.)

On a more positive note, Bear Cub Q is no longer vomiting or having slimy diapers.  It is a good day after all!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stash Report Week #48

0 in, 0 out

There wasn't much time for such things this week.  I didn't even finish crocheting my second sock, which I thought would be easy!  There were supposed to be quilt shop stops, but the shop had closed 15 minutes previous, and then due to Bear Cub Q (see below), we only stopped when necessary.

Monday from 8-5, Bear Cub Q and I volunteered at a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd training.  In the evening, I packed to leave for San Antonio.

Tuesday, see above.  Then, I had to move my entire atrium-worth of materials back to my parish.  At 6 pm, we loaded the kids in the car.  DH drove, I convinced the kids to stay asleep.  At 11:20 pm, we arrived in Dallas.  The girls were so hyper (as was Bear Cub Q), that DH and I, exhausted as we were, didn't get to sleep until well after midnight.

Wednesday, we drove to San Antonio to see DH's Memaw and some of his dad's side of the family.  In fact, we spend Thanksgiving day at Cracker Barrel waiting to eat lunch.  Note to self: you really should cook Thanksgiving dinner or at least order something you can pick up the day before and warm up at home!

Friday, we drove back to Dallas so we could see DH's brother and wife, who's having a baby any day!

Saturday, we attended a baptism in Dallas, ate lunch, and drove home.  By the time we loaded up in the van, we were sure Bear Cub Q was running a temperature, so we gave him ibuprofen.  At 5:30 pm, 1.5 hours from home, Bear Cub Q said he was DONE with the car, but we made it home.

Last night, he would only sleep in my arms and latched on to nurse.  This morning, he is awake and smiling, but still feverish.  Poor little dude.  Depending on his level of illness, there may night be much sewing this week either (and there's A LOT of laundry to do... all the places we stayed/visited had pets, and I think we're all mildly allergic).

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.  Maybe someone actually did some sewing!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Stash Report Week #47

My numbers from last week are wacko somewhere, so let's just state that I used 1/4 yard this week by throwing it away.  While searching for a Christmas present for an awesome BiL, I found a bag of the Assistant's fabric that I hid so I would have it if I needed it for her quilt.  She liked to pick out of the pre-cuts at JoAnn's, and the fabric is gross, so I pitched it!

I have six blocks of my Favorite Things left to piece, and I have all the necessary blocks for the pink quilt.  It needs a name... I'm not so good at names!

Check out the other reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

IN this week: 0 yards
IN YTD: 152 3/4 yards

OUT this week: 1/4 yard
OUT YTD: 179 yards

YTD Total: 26 1/2 yards OUT!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Stash Report Week #46

IN this week: 2 1/4 yard
IN YTD: 152 3/4 yards

OUT this week: 3 1/4 yards
OUT YTD: 179 yards

YTD Total: 26 3/4 yards OUT

I bought some Brown Bear all-around fabric, 3/4 yard for each child, to make pillow cases, then made the ends from my stash.  I guess it's not terribly efficient to have to buy 2 1/4 yards to use a yard of my own, but they're awfully cute.

16 blocks for my "Favorite Things" quilt are done/pieces are sewn together.

There are only 30 blocks left to make for the pink quilt (they're 4.5" each).

I'm not doing so well on French knots, but they're done for now!

Check out the stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Design Wall

Having never posted a design wall post, this may be a little dull.

Welcome to a corner of my dining room table.  As our house is on the market, I can't have a design wall right now, so this is temporary (until the next fit of decluttering seizes me).

We have a block for my version of Judy's Peaches and Dreams quilt.  There are 30 total, and I think I have 7 done/needing to be ironed.  I'm aiming to assemble the pieces of one each day.

Then there's the wool candle mat I won when Judy had a giveaway.  I think I make the buttonhole stitch backwards from the directions, but I'm a lefty (and proud of it!) so that will have to do.  The stitches are slowly improving, although my spacing and depth still needs serious work.  I had a New Year's Goal of learning a new skill, and I guess this is it!  I've done limited applique, but only with a blind stitch - nothing fancy.  I should be a pro at buttonhole stitches and french knots by the time I'm done.

Finally, my blocks for the Assistant's pink quilt.  I need 159 of these little blocks, and I am about 1/2 done.  They are being pieced alternately with my blue blocks.

Check out the other design walls at Judy's place!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Stash Report Week #45

I counted up the music fabric and will estimate it at 1 yard.

IN this week: 1 yard
IN YTD: 149 1/2 yards

OUT this week: 0 yards
OUT YTD: 175 3/4 yards

YTD Total: 25 3/4 yards OUT

I am working on the heel of my first sock.  The sock is going to be too big, I think, but I'll finish it before I make adjustments.  Maybe it will shrink if I wash it in warm water (it's cotton).

My wool kit from Judy is next on my list, but I need my sister to help me out!

Other reports at Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, November 5, 2010

What a day...

What a day we are having!  I'll spare you the details, as it's all potty-related, but AHHHH!

So, in more cheerful news, our house in on the market (and clean, and, we hope, now mouse free... 6 dead mice later).  We bought rugs last night for the upstairs (wood floors are cold in the morning in an unheated bedroom).  They're very pretty.

I've been alternately sewing the blocks for my version of Judy's Peaches and Dreams quilt with the Assistant's pink blocks.  I'm going to call my quilt "Favorite Things" after the song in the Sound of Music.  I'm using my favorite fabrics, so I figure it's apropos.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Stash Report Week #44

Nada in (well, I haven't counted it yet), nada out.

I received a lovely package of music fabrics in the mail, but I haven't measured to see how much in it is.  (Thanks so much, Pam!) That will have to wait for next week.

I cut for hours... and hours, and hours, but now have all the pieces cut for my Peaches and Cream (a la Judy L) in blues.

Halloween tonight, and the girls will be dressing up!  Expect pictures in the next week.

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Stash Report #43

I thought about being a punk and doing a separate post about my newly finished quilt so Lori would have to hunt for it, but subsequently decided that was too much work.  I finished my quilt, newly named, ??? (oh, wait.  That would require a name.).

Gratuitous Assistant picture

After succumbing to bronchitis and a double-dip into migraines, I also mailed my package to the winner of my giveaway.  There were approximately 2 1/4 yards of fabric tucked in that box, along with other goodies.

IN this week: 0 yards
IN YTD: 149 1/2 yards

OUT this week: 10 1/4 yards
OUT YTD: 175 3/4 yards

YTD Total: 26 3/4 yards OUT

Other reports at Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Stash Report Week #42

Nothing in, nothing out.

IN this week: 0 yards
IN YTD: 149 1/2 yards

OUT this week: 0 yards
OUT YTD: 165 1/2 yards

YTD Total: 16 yards OUT

I learned how to replaced fuses in our 99 Toyota Sienna Van.  But then the fuse blew again, so I don't think I solved the problem.

My giveaway ended, the winner was drawn, and once I mail the package, I can count 2 1/4 yards out.

The Royal People quilt is a little over 1/2 quilted, so my hope is that I will finish it next week for 8 yards out.

DH has been reroofing with a friend, so we have not seen him for 3 full days this week, instead of the usual one when he is teaching nights.

Bear Cub Q had his 6 month shots, first 1/2 of the flu shot, and shocked his doctor by sitting up, crawling around the examining room, and pulling himself up on anything in sight.  The doctor said he'd never seen anyone so advanced.  I have... the Assistant and Screamer.  Must be genetics.

Screamer only had one potty accident all week.  I love that girl.

I am seriously sleep deprived.

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Giveaway Winner!

dawson.tracy35 is the winner of the randomly random drawing by my assistant, who let me click the randomizer button until she saw a number she liked.  She likes all numbers, and she liked seeing the numbers change for a while, but then she said stop!  And there I was as dawson.tracy35's number.

dawson.tracy35, please emil me with your snail mail address by Sunday evening.  If I don't hear from you, I will choose another winner, but I sure hope I hear from you!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Christmas Gifts

Judy asked what we make for handmade Christmas gifts.  This year, for me, it's crocheted scarves and wash rags.

How do I make them?  Usually, for scarves, I flip through a book of easy patterns and pick a pretty one.  There's one called "bushy stitch," that my husband (who need a new scarf almost every year, as he loses his) is particularly fond of.  I've used the book 63 Easy-to-Crochet pattern stitches, and instead of ending the square at 7", I just keep going until my scarf is as long as the intended owner is tall.  My husband likes his scarves that long (for him, that's about 6 feet), so that's how long I make'em.  Sugar'n Cream had an easy granny square pattern for a beginner.

For dish rags, I use a variety of patterns with the Sugar'n Cream yarn.  Here's an easy pattern.  I usually use a single multi-colored yarn, but you can use two colors like this one.

Once upon a time, a family we knew used to make cookie platters.  They were amazing - they'd make a batches of 10 or so different cookies, then make up lots of plates, so you'd get a plate with two of 10 different cookies.  Yummy!  I haven't done this lately, so no links, but you could do: snickerdoodles, chocolate chip cookies, divinity, thumbprint cookies, snowballs, rice krispie treats... Google the names of your favorite cookies, and you will come up with some awesome recipes!

Check out other ideas on Judy's blog!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Stash Report Week #41

I finished the Screamer's trick-or-treat bag.  One of these days, I might even take a picture.  1/2 yard out...

Bear Cub Q has 6 teeth.

I finished sorting the Assistant's stash.  I left her with all the pieces big enough to make something from it... like a doll dress, but I took all the rest, ironed, and cut.  Then cut some more.  And, while I was at it, I did a little more cutting.  The result was this:
 That's all 4" and 2 1/4" squares from her stash.  I'm not sure how I'll put them together, but at least they're cut and sorted.  There were also 1", 1.5", 2" and 2.5" strips and squares that went to MY scrap bags.  I did pay for all her fabric, after all.  At least 1.25 yards went into the trash as scraps too small or yucky fabric bits.

Why is it every time I try to put a new blog template on, something goes wrong with it within a few weeks and then my blog looks boring?  Seriously, I'm not so computer-backwards that I can't figure out how to put a template on.  It worked fine every time until this summer.  Bummer.

Lori, here's my "Royal people" quilt pre-flimsy stage.  It is currently basted and awaiting quilting, but what do I want to quilt on it?

First field trip... to a dairy farm with a pumpkin patch.  She didn't like the cows, or sheep, or goats.  It figures.
IN this week: 0 yards
IN YTD: 149 1/2 yards

OUT this week: 1 3/4 yards
OUT YTD: 165 1/2 yards

YTD Total: 16 yards OUT

I'm moving back in the right direction.

Check out my giveaway that ends October 15.  And be sure to check out the others stash-busters on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Stash Report Week #40

Check out my giveaway on my post: Fall-into-Fall Giveaway.

I was a bad, bad girl in terms of stashbusting...

IN this week: 28 1/2 yards
IN YTD: 149 1/2 yards

OUT this week: 1/2 yard
OUT YTD: 163 3/4 yards

YTD Total: only 14 1/4 yards OUT

At least I didn't go in the hole, and I sure had a lot of fun doing it!  We visited 6 quilt shops.  Some were better than others (some SIGNIFICANTLY better than others in terms of service, selection, space... you name it!).

The Assistant has recently decided she likes purple instead of pink.  What a girl!  She must have read what I wrote last week (good thing I know she can't read).
The Assistant's haul...

For the Screamer's quilt

More for the Screamer's quilt, and in the lower right corner, backing for my "Royal People" quilt

Tea towels and pretty, shiny blues

For my older sister's music quilt

Just for fun...

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall into Fall Giveaway!

This giveaway is closed!
The winner is dawson.tracy35!

Congratulations!  Please email me with your snail mail address by the end of the weekend!

Beginning today, October 1, I am participating in a massive celebration-of-fall-giveaway, hosted by Debi of Quilting with Debi.  Check out the other participants (we're hoping there are 200 of us!) at the Fall into Fall Giveaway blog.

My giveaway includes (but is not limited to... there is a shop hop in the area this weekend.  Who knows what I'll pick up?!) the Fons & Porter triangle trimmers (out of the package but in good condition), music fabric in various colors (some fat quarters, some slightly smaller pieces... I bought a bag of them at a garage sale, but can only use some of them), other fun fabric, and a spool of shiny green thread from Sulky.  I'm also including a CD from the Electric Quilt Company called Quilting Designs volume 5.  This has been opened, but since I don't have a PC any more, only a Mac, I can't use it!  I loved browsing it for ideas, but someone else should be able to use it.  Last but not least, a book called Template-Free Stars by Jo Parrott.  In the meantime, let's see what surprises I can find for the lucky winner.

Rules for entering:
1. Leave a comment.  You'll have to do a little work to leave a comment that counts.  In this comment, I need you to tell me, after paging back through my blog, if there is a quilt that caught your eye.  Now, I haven't finished a quilt since July, I think, so you will have to look back a bit.  In the label cloud, clicking on "finished quilt" will lead you to the posts that have finished quilt pictures!

2. I must be able to contact you via email.  If you are set to "no-reply" and don't leave a means of contact, email or blog.  If I can't reach you by email, you can't win.  (That means I won't track down your blog and leave a message for you.)  You don't have to have a blog, and you can live anywhere in the world.  I will attempt to email you back to let you know you are entered, but I am a mother of three under four.  I will not make my kids cry by spending hours on responding to emails.

3. Double your chances.  If you post about my giveaway and let me know, I'll throw your name in the pot a second time.

4. Enter before October 15.  Entries will be taken until approximately 12 pm on October 15, when I take the Assistant (my daughter) to school.  The drawing will take place at 3:30 p.m, when she comes home.  I will give the winner 48 hours to contact me, after which point I will draw a new name.

Questions?  Leave them here or email me via my email on the "about me" page.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Favorite Moments

Today, we ate lunch at my parents' house.  Midget II was crying because the Bear Cub Q tried to chew her ear off.  Screamer came into the room, kissed Midget II, and said, "I sorry.  I sorry. It's okay."
Every night after I put her diaper on for bed, Screamer says, "I have to go potty."  And she does.  And when I don't listen, she soaks the bed in the middle of the night.  That girl is smart to know how much a diaper can hold overnight!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Stash Report Week #39

I started my shop hop extravaganza a week early, and I was bad.  Very, very bad.
DH says it looks like a ghost.
On the other hand, I did finish my practice cassock.  Since I lost a pattern piece and had to cut  sleeves twice, I used 7 1/4 yards of fabric.

First, the numbers:
IN this week: 14 3/4 yards
IN YTD: 121 yards

OUT this week: 7 1/4 yards yards
OUT YTD: 163 1/4 yards

YTD Total: 42 1/4 yards OUT

So I'm behind in my goal again for the year, but I'm enjoying every minute of it!
Naughty, naughty!

What can I say?  I had a gift card for JoAnn's that I've been nursing along since Mother's Day.  When my mom was putting away my placemats, she asked if I had made them.  (Of course!)  She said it would be fun to have a set someday...  How can I turn down my mom?  I'm going to make a placemat for every family member (there are 19 of us now!) out of frabric I'm used for quilts for them, and then make the backings and bindings all the same.  I don't have that large a piece of fabric for  the backing, so I needed to go shopping, just so I'm ready when I have time (HAHAHA!).  8 yards of tan vines, very neutral, very nice.  2 1/2 yards black Kona solid for the binding, which will match with everything.

Then, I've decided to collect fabrics for a quilt for the Screamer.  I was going to go with red and cream, but saw a picture of a red and aqua quilt and said, "Eureka!"  My aquas were mostly used up to make baby Nuggette a quilt, so I bought 3 1/4 yard pieces.  Then there are the obligatory pinks for the girls.  Why pink? What universal rule says a mom who would never be caught dead buying pink must have an oldest girl who LOVES pink?  Really?  Can we renegotiate that rule?

I also bought a beautiful yard of purple solid.  It's so rich and wonderful.  I don't know what I'll do with it, but I love it!  $.99 patterns followed me home for aprons (I'm a sucker for long, flowing aprons to cover my skirts), gloves, and a christening gown.  Maybe the next baby in the family will get a hand-made gown from Aunt Katie (when there is a next baby...).  There were also 8 or 9 spools of thread for $1.29 each (1/2 off).

Finally, I'm done with the blocks for my Royal People quilt (fabric courtesy of Lori).  When I laid them out, they just needed something more... so I bought a yard each of two different browns for a kind of sashing... pictures next week or so will make more sense.

But you see, it's all okay because I only spent $14.01 of my own money.  Doesn't that count for something?

Next week, I'm taking the Assistant on a school field trip to the farm, and then it's Quilt Shop Hop time for me... but I won't be able to be as efficient in my prices, so I'll probably have to be more selective.

Be sure to check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.  (Excise the funky spacing.  I don't know what I did!)

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

P.S. Did you see the Scarecrow button on my sidebar?  I'll be having a giveaway on October 1.  It's going to include some music fabric!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Stash Report Week #38

0 in... fabric out, but nothing I can count. This week, I actually finished 3 quilt blocks (3 left, then it's layout time!). I also sewed prayer table cloths (4 yards), took 2 yards of yellow to our atrium at school, and made some miniature vestments of the priest. All told, I sewed up at least 7 yards of fabric, but since it was never counted in, I can't count it out.

The cassock is nearly finished. After a hem and some button holes, I will be able to count 7+ yards out! I will finally have a finish. It's a good thing, too, because there is a quilt shop hop coming up, and DH owes me...

It's hard to believe there are only 14 weeks left to the year.

This week, I also cleaned my sunflowers so all the seeds are sorted and ready to roast. I also cleaned my ears of corn for cornmeal, and I'm excited to make my own blue cornmeal! I cooked up a pot of beans and froze them for chili and enchiladas later in the fall, plus made a batch of homemade, whole wheat cinnamon rolls. Those were definitely better fresh and not day old.

I also volunteered at the Assistant's school four times. DH teaches a college class Wednesday nights, so, needless to say, we don't see much of him some days. This week, however, we seemed to manage better than the last few weeks. I'm still ready for cross country to be over (DH is a coach, too).

Now, if only I could get some SLEEP! Anybody out there a baby-whisperer who can talk to my three kids about letting mommy sleep for at least 3 hours in a row????

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog. Thank you for stopping by even if you don't comment (but I do so love comments too!)

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Is it over yet?

Mouse #3 was discovered in a pool of coagulated blood. Are we done with this hide-and-seek game yet?

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

p.s. on a happier note, the Screamer is almost completely potty-trained when she wants to be!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Stash Report Week #37

0 in, 0 out

My work on the cassock stalled out when I LOST A PATTERN PIECE... It was supposed to be done by Monday, but that probably won't be happening.

I did visit the state fair with my family (DH and kids). The Screamer kept asking, on seeing the rabbits, "Can I take it home?" We liked the chickens too. We rode the train, the girls rode the sky lift with Daddy, and Bear Cub decided today would be a good day to wean himself (he only nursed twice all day. Can we say OUCH?).

Check out all the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Stash Report Week #36 and Kiddy News

Worked on the cassock, but as I never had the Assistant at school and both other children napping all at once for more than 20 minutes this week, it is slow going.

I bought more fabric, but since it is not for me, I haven't decided if I'm going to count it or not.

In the winter, when everyone sleeps more, maybe I will get a chance to work on a quilt for a while. (Of course, I'm still dreaming of the day when I can take a bath or use the toilet without spectators and/or screaming.) BUT, lest you think I am in a hurry for my children to grow up: I AM NOT!

The Assistant brought home her first artwork from school: a self-made Mrs. Potato head. She cut out the potato shape herself! She sings strange songs now, and I saw her having a blast running with the other preschoolers on the playground. She's still too little to walk all the way home, though, so she hasn't outgrown her need for me yet! (She proved that again tonight [Saturday] when, after an exhausting afternoon at the land and a visit from my sister-in-law and kids, she laid in my bed crying, as I tried to bathe, "I just want to be with my mommy all day."

The Screamer can put her #2 on the potty when she remembers and likes to go #1 only if she hears sissy say, "I need to go potty." Or anyone else for the matter - Mommy, Daddy, Grammie, Aunt Tinie, you name it! She likes to imitate and echo, and definitely still earns her nickname, although it's lots of crying and yelling right now too. Her current favorite phrase is, "Go 'way." That's directed at bugs, visitors who have stayed past bed/nap time, and Mommy when Mommy tells her no.

The Bear Cub Q can almost crawl. He has also scared himself several times trying to sit up and instead flipping himself over. This boy is a force to be reckoned with: he is 18 1/2 pounds at 4 months, has two razor sharp teeth, and lightning quick hands when a sister's hair is within reach. If only he would sleep through the night like his cousin Nuggette... but I wouldn't sleep through the night because I would be so surprised, so I guess I don't really need to wish for that.

Screamer is trying to fall asleep in my arms, so that must be my reminder to sign off.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Stash Report Week #35

IN this week: 3/4 yard
IN YTD: 106 1/4 yards

OUT this week: 1/2 yards
OUT YTD: 156 yards

YTD Total: 49 3/4 yards OUT!

Saturday, a rush trip to JoAnn's enabled me to make a last-minute gift of a skirt for a birthday party. The Assistant's journey into preschool has thrown everyone for a much bigger loop than we expected, primarily because her elevated anxiety level makes everyone a little crazy. She cries WAY too much. I'll give her a few more weeks, and it should improve.

Bear Cub (also known as Q) has been nursing all night, most nights, lately. I haven't been getting as much sleep between that and the Assistant waking up more because she's anxious.

Maybe this week will slow down enough to sew a little more!

Check out who had a more productive week than me on Judy's blog!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Stash Report Week #34

I touched fabric!

I even sewed four blocks.

But I also got my oldest ready for her first day of school (this Monday). My husband sniffled at the thought. I didn't. Does that make me a mean mommy? It's only three afternoons a week, and her teacher is amazing.

I taped and painted more of the stairwell.

I cleaned up after a mouse. A dead mouse. A VERY dead, smelly, rotting mouse under my sink, who was stupid enough to get caught in a mouse trap and then not be visible... stinky.

I canned with a friend: 11 quarts and 1 pint of applesauce. 4 pints of apple juice. Mmmm... I can taste it already!

That sewing thing is just hard as I no longer have a sewing room, just a 5' x 7' space in the hallway. Maybe next week.

Check out the other stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Stash Report Week #33

Sewing? Nada. Do I even own a sewing machine? Nah, that must have been a dream.

Lots of laundry. We've been shifting more to cloth diapers (a gift from my MiL), as that should save us close to $50 a month. The Screamer is potty training, but her #1 ends up on the floor in the dining room. A lot. Lots of rags and clothes. The worst (or best) was when she stood up, completely naked, on top of the trunk where I had the pioneer braid folded and awaiting its new home. That's right. Everywhere. EVERYWHERE. It even ran off the quilt, there was so much of it! So the quilt was washed and dried. It was delivered to its new home today, where the new owners (a woman who has thyroid problems and is pregnant and insurance won't pay and her husband) were speechless. I like that reaction.

Tomato chopping. We have wilt, and it requires cutting off lots of dead leaves.

Watering. It's been hovering in the 105 range for going on three weeks. No rain. Not even many clouds. Every morning, I sneak outside to water our food plants. If I'm feeling nice, I water some of the flowers too.

Bathtub swimming. It's so hot, I don't even let the girls swim in their kiddie pool outside. Instead, they put on bathing suits, fill the tub with COLD water, and swim. God bless my girls.

Two teeth. Q (also known as Bear Cub) cut his first two teeth on Tuesday and Friday. Think copious pools of drool. He can lunge/crawl, scoot backwards, roll over, and tries to stand up and walk. Not yet, Bear Cub. You're only four months old!

The Assistant starts preschool in a week. I don't feel sad about it. Let's check back in next Monday!

Check out the other reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Stash Report Week #32

This week, on our way home from Denver, I stopped at a lovely quilt shop in Hays, Kansas, and bought 4 fat quarters.

I also finished the quilt made of triangles from my Bonnie Hunter "Star Struck" quilt. Woohoo! That's 4 1/4 yards out. It took much longer to finish the binding than it should, but that's what happens when there are Agatha Christie books in the house. It finished approximately 54" square. The layout is original, but the ideas for many of the blocks came from Judy Martin's block book (it's packed, so I can't tell you what it's called). Rather than go out and buy more backing, I opted to take all the strip left over or that matched in color scheme to create the back.

I also cleaned out the closet where I used to keep most of my sewing stuff. I felt like I was packing up my life there, but I did throw out 1 1/4 yards of scraps that would never be useful for anything.

IN this week: 1 yard
IN YTD: 105 1/2 yards

OUT this week: 5 1/2 yards
OUT YTD: 155 1/2 yards

YTD Total: 50 yards OUT!

I've met my goal for the year! Now I just need to control myself for a while. After all, I have a bag of fat quarters, etc., from the summer that haven't been cleaned yet. Oops. I'll just get them out and pretend to go shopping again. With all my fabric in a tub, I suppose that should slow down new projects too.

Oh, and I do have running water again.

Check out the stash reports on Judy's blog.

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Lessons Learned

1. If you feel overwhelmed by the mouse poop in your house (due to a VERY dirty neighbor moving and finally cleaning out their mouse-infested garage, said mice then coming to live in your house), tell your best friend. If she's really your best friend, she'll help you clean up. (Thanks, Auntie J!)

2. If your faucets to your washer start leaking, do all your laundry in one day, turn off the faucets, and call a plumber. Don't ask your DIY husband to learned soldering and plumbing on the fly. Especially on a Friday at 3 p.m. When the weekend means you will be calling a plumber for "emergency" work - the emergency being no running water.

3. If said husband decides to wing it, take your children to your parents' house (or another house with running water). At 7 hours and counting with no running water, it's getting to be an interesting experiment. I know how to flush the toilet by pouring a bucket of water in!

4. Even if said husband fails at the plumbing, be sure to tell him you appreciate how hard he tried.

EDITED TO ADD: DH managed to replace the washer faucets, but then the rubber gasket gave out in the water into our hot water heater, and the main line into the house started leaking. Needless to say, we called Reddi Root'r and had them come by last night. The plumber said DH did a great job soldering. Good for DH!

from the room of Zana's Ninis,
katie z.

End of Year…

 It’s been a long few months, and it will be longer before I can return to blogging. To make a long story short, I’m in the middle of a real...